Too many books?
Too many books?
Caroline Lucas, Green Party MP, on her first day in the Houses of Parliament.
"Only one thing is missing: somewhere to #work... new MPs are told that we will be allocated rooms in due course. For now we will have to squat in corridors or at cafe tables... This is not incompetence... Rooms are a currency or a perk"
She does a great job of looking at how ridiculous Westminster seems to mere mortals. (*cough* Big Ben *cough*) #AugustGrrrl
I was considering 'historical politics' (SPQR has lots) or novels based around politics (Pleasantville) but I came back to this, which is the only 'political political' book I own. Caroline Lucas is, I think, still the UK's only Green MP. She looks at Westminster as someone who can see the absurdities of the current system and how crucially things need to change. A really interesting not-too-heavy read. #augustphotochallenge #booksandpolitics