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The Complete Persepolis | Marjane Satrapi
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I missed Day 11 of #augustphotochallenge.. I was too tired when I got back home to look through my books, so I just passed out.. I am making up for it today.. I don't usually read books on politics, so have only two which may come close.. I got to know more about Pakistan history, Taliban and the struggle under their rule from I am Malala.. It was a great read.. I am yet to read Persepolis though..#booksandpolitics..

Twocougs Nice combination! 8y
BookishFeminist You'll love Persepolis! 8y
Varshitha @Twocougs Thank you.. 8y
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Varshitha @BookishFeminist looking forward to read it!! 8y
JenP Persepolis definitely counts! I loved it and hope you love it too! 8y
Varshitha @JenP Looking forward to read it.. 8y
Nancy1 Started listening to Malala's book today! 😀 8y
Varshitha @Nancy1 Hope you enjoy it😄 8y
Nancy1 Thank you @Varshitha 😉 8y
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I'm afraid this is the only political book I have... Shows where my heart is huh? #booksandpolitics #augustofpages

Twocougs I ❤️ Jon. I miss him making me laugh four nights a week😍 8y
Gezemice I believe my political collection is this and Stephen Colbert. I miss both! 8y
Gayan Ha, @Gezemice , mine is the same except for a James Carvell book. 8y
Soubhiville @Twocougs @Gezemice @Gayan , I miss Jon too. But his animal rescue cause he's devoted to now makes my heart full and warm too. I enjoy Trevor, but he's just not the same. 😢 8y
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Who Rules the World? | Noam Chomsky
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Cats, apparently.

Saw that @TheSpinecrackersBookClub is doing #booksandpolitics today and have been inspired to start this recent acquisition which would let me cross off book #2 from my official August TBR. (Also the political science major in me is loving all the political books today) Litsy is the best in so many ways.

BookBabe Yes they do! Our little Coale will certainly say so. 😸 8y
Laalaleighh @BookBabe I feel like Roxas and Coale would get along well! Probably spend their days planning world domination. 😼 8y
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March: Book One | John Robert Lewis, Andrew Aydin, Nate Powell
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#booksandpolitics #politicsandbooks - I'm getting ready to start #3 in this trilogy about John Lewis's work in the Civil Rights Movement. We are lucky to have such heroes among us. #augustofpages #bookphotochallenge

ImaginativeMom I wish more people understood how important John Lewis has been. 8y
prowlix I didn't realize volume 3 was out! Now to request from the library 8y
KVanRead Just ordered the first one for my daughter and planning to read it too- looks awesome! 8y
Caryl @ImaginativeMom Thankfully, more people are learning b/c of these books! (And I just saw a post on John Lewis's FB page about how surprised and happy he was to see all three of these books on the NYT bestseller list this week.) 8y
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I tried to read this both visually and in audio form. It's just too dry and hard to follow for me. It didn't help that the narrator would pause in. Odd places. #booksandpolitics #augustphotochallenge @TheSpinecrackersBookClub

Lea Did you notice the narrator's voice change? Often after a pause. Sometimes it sounded like a different person! 8y
Susanita I don't think I got that far tbh. When I was stuck in traffic not moving at all and still couldn't focus on it, I knew it was a lost cause. 8y
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I was considering 'historical politics' (SPQR has lots) or novels based around politics (Pleasantville) but I came back to this, which is the only 'political political' book I own. Caroline Lucas is, I think, still the UK's only Green MP. She looks at Westminster as someone who can see the absurdities of the current system and how crucially things need to change. A really interesting not-too-heavy read. #augustphotochallenge #booksandpolitics

Seveneves: A Novel | Neal Stephenson
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"But I have to warn you that this is the word—‘politics‘—that nerds use whenever they feel impatient about the human realities of an organization.” I find that sci-fi offers some of the best analysis of politics ? and Seveneves is one of my recent faves. #augustofpages #booksandpolitics @TheSpinecrackersBookClub

BookishFeminist Oh agreed! I had to stop myself from adding a giant stack of sci fi with a political bent on my post earlier. 8y
ReadingEnvy I so agree on political commentary through scifi. 8y
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MrBook Signed! Nice 😎👍🏻👌🏻! 8y
LisaJo @MrBook thanks. Some folks collect salt and pepper shakers...I collect signed books. ❤️📚 8y
MrBook Me too 😊👌🏻 8y
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What is to Be Done? | V Lenin, Vladimir Ilich Lenin
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There must be a theme here somewhere... #booksandpolitics @TheSpinecrackersBookClub

Megabooks France? 8y
Megabooks 😉😏😏 8y
TheSpinecrackersBookClub Oh my! JEALOUS! I love everything Russian. I traveled there last year and fell in love with the country. 8y
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BookishTrish @TheSpinecrackersBookClub Do tell... Whereabouts did you go? 8y
Simona @BookishTrish I was expecting some books about Stalin.😃 8y
TheSpinecrackersBookClub @BookishTrish I was in Moscow and then took the train to St Petersburg. It was my dream since a kid to see St.Basils. I also say it feels like a lie toe say you went to Russia if it was only the two countries. There is still so much left to see. I would really recommend the trip. I had goosebumps all over during the walk up the hill to red square and then seeing it in all its glory. 8y
BookishTrish That sounds awesome @TheSpinecrackersBookClub! I was lucky enough to spend 14 months in Moscow in the late 1990s after having been fascinated by all things Russian since childhood. I'd love to go back for q visit! 8y
BookishTrish @Simona What can I say? He fascinates me. 8y
TheSpinecrackersBookClub @BookishTrish I'm so jealous. I assume your pretty fluent in Russian? 8y
BookishTrish @TheSpinecrackersBookClub I was, but I'm very rusty! Do you speak Russian? 8y
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