An ancient Greek playwright goes to a tailor to get some trousers fixed.
The tailor looks at the trousers and says, “Euripides?”
The playwright nods. “Yeah. Eumenides?”
An ancient Greek playwright goes to a tailor to get some trousers fixed.
The tailor looks at the trousers and says, “Euripides?”
The playwright nods. “Yeah. Eumenides?”
The Eumenides is the third of the linked plays that brings Aeschylus' The Oresteia to an end. Orestes is pursued by the Furies after he slays his mother, & the voice in his ear doling out advice comes from Apollo, who both encouraged Orestes to kill his mother & now tells him to purify himself of his mother's blood. Wise Athena shows up, the Furies are made to consider, & democracy & the process of justice start to take shape. An engrossing finale