When fall hits it's time for Tove! #finnishwriters
Martta Jansson is an awesome writer. She has wonderful artworks too. I visited her art show two years ago when she had her 100th year aniversary. I also like that cup next to the book. "Taika" -series from Iittala looks good next to any book. I own couple of blue and white ones. 9y
Kkhalifeh I agree! She is an under-appreciated writer in the States who should be more widely read. I love the whole Taika collection 👍 and, well just about anything Iittala makes! 9y
Martta @Kkhalifeh Jansson is really good. She is one of the most famous writers in Nordic countries. The moomin series is written for children as a fairy tale but grown-ups can read them too. She has also written a lot of short stories. I have not read all of them but I would like to do that some day. I would add here an image of my Taika collection but there is no photo adding possibilities. 8y