I have been a fan of Zachary Levi since Chuck. I rewatch it REGULARLY! This memoir just made me like, and respect him even more. It was also a treat that he narrates the book. 5 💫
I have been a fan of Zachary Levi since Chuck. I rewatch it REGULARLY! This memoir just made me like, and respect him even more. It was also a treat that he narrates the book. 5 💫
I just finished this up on audio while at work. I loved Zachary Levi as Flynn Rider in Tangled as well as in Chuck. I‘d had no idea he‘d had a book out until I sat in on his panel at C2E2. First of all, listening to him was a treat. Highly recommend doing the audiobook. But also, I thought it was so interesting to hear about his mental health journey. Some of what he talked about resonated with me.
Goodness this was a good but heavy book.
Zachary Levi has done an excellent job sharing his mental healthy journey and highlighting how generational trauma is passed on.
His life is a rough read but worth the turmoil.
The thing I was most impressed with was his ability to forgive. That‘s astounding given the situation. Hats off to him.
This book hits so close to home. I listened to the audio while at work & ended up in tears because so much of how I am was explained to me through hearing Zach talk about himself. I realized things I had never noticed before & it‘s put a new perspective on my life especially now that I have a son to raise & don‘t want to project what I experienced as a child onto him. I want to do better & be better so he doesn‘t grow up in a broken home like me.