Look at this adorable book teaching - “The Little Ways We‘re Different, The Big Ways We‘re The Same”
Quote taken from the book‘s cover.
Thank you, @zonderkidz
Look at this adorable book teaching - “The Little Ways We‘re Different, The Big Ways We‘re The Same”
Quote taken from the book‘s cover.
Thank you, @zonderkidz
The rhyming didn't irritate me in this gem about Gene, your me-my-mine dot. An #everybodybook about characteristics that make us unique.
3.5 ⭐I like this but I also don‘t like this. The beginning where it explains the dots and everybody having jeans is confusing. This part could be taken out of the book. When the story of all the kids and how they were like and how they‘re different gets going, that is when the story makes sense and is interesting. The illustrations are top notch and flow really well.