These lights in my dermatologist office look like they would be in the donut restaurant in this book. They remind me of UFOs and donuts! 🍩 🛸👽
These lights in my dermatologist office look like they would be in the donut restaurant in this book. They remind me of UFOs and donuts! 🍩 🛸👽
I was a little excited about the place until we got our food. The sandwich was on toasted bread with lots of mayonnaise, some wrinkled lettuce, and tomatoes so thin, you turned them sideways, they were damn near invisible. The meat was limp and a little gray. The crinkle fries were pre-cut and pre-cooked. Warmed up in a microwave. They had a soggy taste, like chewing on the fingers of a drowned man.
This was a weird, quirky, fun book. Missing and dead people, a UFO cult that sells their message through a donut chain (sometimes made with hallucinogenic bits)…what‘s not to love? I couldn‘t help but think the author must have been inspired by Heaven‘s Gate, Waco, Jonestown…
Shown: I had some fun with AI when reading this book.
And listen, I know what you‘re thinking: You could never be fooled into believing nonsense. But maybe you have already. If you can be groomed to be a Baptist, a Buddhist, a Muslim, a Mormon, or whatever, you can be convinced. Being taken away by a flying saucer, being Raptured out of your clothes to heaven, your spirit raising from the dead—it‘s all a way to deal with our egotistical idea of being worthy of living forever. Trust me, you want⬇️