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Newsroom Confidential
Newsroom Confidential: Lessons (and Worries) from an Ink-Stained Life | Margaret Sullivan
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Over her four decades of working in newsrooms big and small, Margaret Sullivan has become a trusted champion and critic of the American news media. In this bracing memoir, Sullivan traces her life in journalism and how trust in the mainstream press has steadily eroded. Sullivan began her career at the Buffalo News, where she rose from summer intern to editor in chief. In Newsroom Confidential she chronicles her years in the trenches battling sexism and throwing elbows in a highly competitive newsroom. In 2012, Sullivan was appointed the public editor of The New York Times, the first woman to hold that important role. She was in the unique position of acting on behalf of readers to weigh the actions and reporting of the paper's staff, parsing potential lapses in judgment, unethical practices, and thorny journalistic issues. Sullivan recounts how she navigated the papers controversies, from Hillary Clinton's emails to Elon Musk's accusations of unfairness to the need for greater diversity in the newsroom. In 2016, having served the longest tenure of any public editor, Sullivan left for the Washington Post, where she had a front-row seat to the rise of Donald Trump in American media and politics. With her celebrated mixture of charm, sharp-eyed observation, and nuanced criticism, Sullivan takes us behind the scenes of the nation's most influential news outlets to explore how Americans lost trust in the news and what it will take to regain it.
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Seems fitting due this take into the world of journalism.

📸 from my recent trip to Barcelona

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This is both a personal memoir and a tell-all about what Margaret Sullivan witnessed/experienced during her four decades in journalism as a reporter, editor and columnist for the Buffalo News, New York Times and Washington Post. As a former newspaper journalist myself, I enjoyed her reminiscences and completely agree with her warnings about the crucial role the media needs to play in protecting democracy from candidates like Trump.

Megabooks Great review! 2y
Amiable @Megabooks Thank you! 🙂 2y
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I found this book interesting . . . and ultimately a bit unsatisfying. Read my full review here: https://debbybrauer.org/#newsroom-confidential

Cinfhen Intriguing!!! 2y
JoyBlue @Cinfhen If you decide/get a chance to read it, please let me know what you think! 2y
Cinfhen I‘m not a fan of the NYT so im a bit skeptical about picking this one up. 😬 2y
JoyBlue @Cinfhen Same. I don't think this book will *improve* your opinion of NYT. 2y
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Sullivan was the Public Editor at NYT and now writes for the Style section at WaPo. This is part memoir, part enlarging her work at the Times and WaPo. She briefly covered her start in journalism and her time as executive editor at Buffalo‘s paper, focusing on breaking through the glass ceiling. She railed against the NYT‘s over-coverage of Hillary‘s emails and overuse of anonymous sources. Her time at the WaPo is dominated by Trump coverage.

Suet624 I‘m annoyed right now with the Times harping about inflation, as if it‘s all Biden‘s fault and not adequately explaining the reasons for it. And not pushing the Republicans by asking what they are doing to exaggerate the problem. It‘s the Hilary emails all over again. Rant over. (edited) 2y
Megabooks @Suet624 sometimes I feel like they (NYT) spend too much time trying to prove they‘re not a “liberal paper”. She makes a good point in the book that now is not “politics as usual”. It isn‘t the 70s or the 90s even, and media needs to treat the right with more skepticism. 2y
Suet624 So true. 2y
Cinfhen I really have TROUBLE with the NYT - as a Jew living in Israel I find their brand of reporting pretty horrific ( but that‘s me) rant over 😘 2y
BarbaraBB Interesting discussion. I have no opinion but would have thought it is a liberal paper indeed. 2y
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This is part memoir, part critique of the current state of journalism, and part message to the next generation of journalists. I found Margaret Sullivan's book to be fast paced and enjoyable as well as informative. Like her WaPo columns she brings a plain-spoken clarity and just a bit of levity to these stories from her four-decade career in journalism. Four stars.

ARC review. Book due out Oct. 18th.

Full review: https://bit.ly/rvw-NewsConf

stevesbookstuf1 And just like that it's Fall here in the north Michigan woods. The colors have really come out this week! 2y
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