I‘ll be catching up on last year‘s international Booker reviews over the next weeks- I reviewed them over at thereadersroom.org but they never made it to Litsy. Or NetGalley. 🫣
I reached the end, and immediately wanted to flip to the front and start again. Standing Heavy tells of life as seen thro the eyes of undocumented security guards in Paris – work so tedious it requires an ‘engrossing inner life‘: it‘s this inner life
Written largely in vignettes from various security posts, we also get to learn the backstories of Ferdinand, Ossiri & Kassoum, who have come to Paris from Côte d‘Ivoire. It‘s thought-provoking, astute & at times very funny, covering everything from racial stereotypes to fashion; from perfume sales techniques to the global impact of 9/11. I‘ll always now be wondering what the security guard in the corner is thinking. 1y