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We Are Light
We Are Light | Gerda Blees
3 posts | 2 read | 5 to read
One apartment, three women, one man. One of the women is dead. When the emergency personnel arrive, they realize: Elisabeth starved to death, encouraged by her roommates. Winner of the 2021 European Union Literature Prize In the middle of a summer night, Elisabeth, the oldest resident of the Sound & Love Commune, dies. Her sister Melodie and their two other housemates are arrested: the group's attempts to stop eating and start living on light and love alone appears to have been fatal to Elisabeth. From unworldly idealists on the fringes of society, the three suddenly become suspects in a criminal case. Through the eyes of the night, the neighbors, doubt, the scent of an orange, and many other characters and entities, we see how each of those involved gives a different answer to the question of how Elisabeth came to die. Who is to blame? And does the commune still have a future? We Are Light is a highly original and entertaining novel about manipulation, vulnerability, and trying to be better.
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We Are Light | Gerda Blees
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I am really surprised I haven‘t seen or heard more about this book! First, Blees is a poet so each word matters. Second, the structure is wonderfully imaginative in that the story unfolds over 25 chapters, each having a distinct voice, including that of inanimate objects. (Imagine the translation work! 😅) Finally, it was inspired by a true story, sadly.

It‘s the type of book that leaves an impression & something to think about. 👍🏾👍🏾

Tamra The best chapter is the one in which the story is the narrator! Complaining about Blees. 😆 (edited) 4mo
BarbaraBB I didn‘t know this book has been translated. I was obsessed with these people at the time. I followed them on Facebook and saw them getting thinner every day. I was really afraid another one of them would die. 4mo
Cathythoughts Sounds fascinating. Stacked. 4mo
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Tamra @BarbaraBB I recommend it! It‘s really bizarre what some damaged (presumably)people will cling to. 4mo
Tamra @Cathythoughts it is, in a sad strange way. (edited) 4mo
BarbaraBB @Tamra I already read it, in Dutch. I didn‘t know it had been translated in English! 4mo
Tamra @BarbaraBB I‘m so glad it was translated! 4mo
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We Are Light | Gerda Blees
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The premise of this is so intriguing and the first chapter has left me wanting more! I‘d rather be reading than working. 🥲

Cathythoughts This looks good. Stacked 4mo
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We Are Light | Gerda Blees
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I have not processed how I feel about the story as I finished it seconds ago. However, the writing style was incredible. Writing from the perspective of everything around the story ( inanimate objects included) was genius.

Andrew65 Sounds interesting, well done 👏👏👏 12mo
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