Was stashing my Christmas books onto the bookshelf where I made space for them, and one jumped off and slapped me on my forehead.
It was one I purchased in late Dec. 2024 but hadn't planned to read right away...on my tbr next C'mas list.
As I've posted about, I'm not planning to read any more Christmas until maybe July.
I already have an unrealistic tbr stockpile waiting for me (that I have gathered to begin this New Year with).
Like I said, wacky me 😂...of all the books that could have tumbled off my bookshelf right now. I guess I'm meant to continue reading Christmas. 34 chapters, divided up into 13 months (December to December). Going to try to stretch this out all year long.
#TheTwelveMonthsofChristmasreviewedbyanncrystal 4d
🎅🤶💝. 4d