Hard pick! I had a lot of trouble putting down this book. It's a political thriller with a lot of very important questions regarding the fate of humanity, our current social and political issues, and social media. The writing is easy and light and, even though the issues can be heavy and emotional, things never get too depressing. It's the perfect combination of a light read with a profound and well-constructed story.
#ArtificialWisdom #NetGalley.
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However, I'm not sure I liked the ending. It was either terrible or genius (I'm leaning towards genius though). I can see why it was written to end like that though, that is, I think I understand the thought that must have been behind it. I also wonder if the author is leaving a door open for a second book. I both hate and love that idea... (edited) 8mo
And it's now out!
You can also connect with the author (and the book) here: https://thomasrweaver.com/ (edited) 8mo