Gonna read another chunk of COLD FIRE today. The first hundred pages didn‘t grab me the way I wanted them to, so I hope things go a bit better with this next hundred pages.
I‘m gonna make a start on COLD FIRE tonight. Given how I felt about COLD MAGIC, the first book in the series, it‘ll probably be my in-between book rather than something I read straight through.
I enjoy the time spent in this world and following Cat's adventures but this installment only gets a So-So from me because the issue of dubious consent totally pulled me out of the story. It acknowledges that what happened was bad and the person that took advantage was totally a dbag but I hate to see it as a plot point. Other than that I thought it was a good adventure and I can't wait to see how it all wraps up.
I only managed to finish one book this week but it was my #CalibreRoulette pick so I'm officially done with all my RNG reads for the month even if it was kind of last minute.
#Weekly Forecast
I decided to just go ahead and finish out the trilogy because I'm so behind on finishing what I've started. After that I'll head into whatever Book Spin picks for me.
I‘m gonna post a book (or series) from my TBR every day until I‘ve shared the lot. No descriptions. No explanations. Just a whole bunch of books I haven‘t read yet.
This is Day 48.
I just don‘t know what to think about these. I‘m compelled to read them so that‘s good. But I‘m also frustrated with the story & how often the two main characters are separated just to reunite under unusual circumstances. But despite all the confusion, I am interested to see what book 3 brings! #coldfire