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Pedigree Unknown
Pedigree Unknown | Dorothy Lyons
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While devoting her energy to rehabilitating a mistreated gelding in the aftermath of her broken engagement, Jill discovers that fancy pedigrees are not essential to the success of either people or horses.
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Pedigree Unknown | Dorothy Lyons
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It's no secret that I'm a lifelong lover of horse stories of all kinds. I've read one or two other books by Lyons, so I was interested to read this one. However, it just didn't work for me. Jill breaks off her engagement with Hadley because he's a jerk, but then decides that actually she is going to show him that he was wrong about what he said, and of course he'll admit that, and then he won't be a jerk, so it will all work out. Except that's ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) dumb because he's obviously a jerk forever. Plus, it never even felt like Jill particularly liked, much less loved, Hadley, so her whole “I want him back“ schtick seemed unrealistic. The book would have definitely read better if she had just wanted to prove him wrong without actually “winning him back.“ Of course, in the end she finally realizes he really is a jerk and goes with the not-jerk guy, but by then it was too late - I'd already⬇ 3mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) lost all my respect for this girl haha Other parts of the book - the bits about the actual horses - were interesting, but Jill just made me feel tired all over. This one is off to the giveaway bin.

#192025 - 1973 @Librarybelle
Librarybelle Hooray!! 3mo
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Crazeedi If you live horse books did you read 3mo
TheAromaofBooks @Crazeedi - I haven't read that one!! Most of my horse books are from the 50s-70s haha but I will check this one out!! 3mo
PaperbackPirate Love the cover but sorry the story didn‘t live up to it. 🐴💙📚 3mo
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