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Speaking Bipolar's 30 Days of Positivity
Speaking Bipolar's 30 Days of Positivity: Helping you keep a positive mindset with bipolar disorder | Scott Ninneman
3 posts | 1 reading
Are you ready to have a positive mindset? It's hard to stay upbeat in today's world, especially if you have a mental illness like bipolar disorder. Difficult, but not impossible. Speaking Bipolar's 30 Days of Positivity was first created as an email course to help readers get through the emotional chaos of the last months of the year. Through motivating stories, Scott Ninneman (creator of Speaking Bipolar and living with bipolar 1 disorder) gave the participants a positive theme to focus on each day and how to live successfully with bipolar. After the first readers completed the course, they all said the same thing: "This needs to be a book!" So here it is, the original course, newly edited and formatted, and including all the additional reading content. Each day has an uplifting message and a journal prompt to think deeper about the day's topic. The end of every lesson also includes a creative writing prompt, which you can use as a second journal prompt. The chapter after each lesson is additional reading material linked to in the original course. People who took the 30 Day's course all rated it a 9-10. They said: - "This course is a real blessing in my life!" - "Very helpful and heart warming course." - "It made me feel not so alone." - "I looked forward to it every morning." Find out what they loved so much by reading your copy today.
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“While it would be wonderful if all of us had a hero come along who would take an interest in us, sometimes we have to be our own hero.”

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“It‘s critical to have people in your life who get you and let you be yourself.”

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“If you keep your eyes and ears open, there are lots of other ways people say, ‘I love you,‘ without saying the words.”