Proud of myself! With Stettin Station I've finished my Roll100 for the month.
Stettin Station is the best so far of this series set in Hitler's Berlin. Characters you are cheering for, even as you're horrified by what is happing in the city and the world.
Seabreeze_Reader @puddlejumper Quick question. Are you using the web version or the app? If it is the app, is it for iPhone or Android. There is a weird glitch going on Litsy and other not so good stuff going on within LT. 6mo
PuddleJumper @Seabreeze_Reader Oh is that what's been going on? Huh. I'm on the mobile app on Android but the / stuff also shows up on the desktop version 6mo
Seabreeze_Reader @PuddleJumper Thank you! 🙂 Hopefully it's just a glitch and will be resolved soon. 6mo
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