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Joined December 2019

“We are the sum of all we have done added to the sum of all that has been done to us.“ Robin Hobb
BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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I'm not even gonna try reading named books in August. Here's my vague #bookspinbingo


Jari-chan What a cute design 🥰 11h
willaful Whatever works! 10h
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 6h
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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July #bookspinbingo I'm not sure I'm going to get the rest of the squares since I've got a backlog of ARCs and KU books 🤣

I got the #bookspin and #doublespin this month and read 3/4 of my #ReadYourKindle books

@TheAromaofBooks @CBee

CBee That‘s fantastic 😊😊😊 1d
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Fabulous progress!!! 15h
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This is an accompanying book to her Exercise for Better Bones that focuses on yoga.

It is a really useful guide that is very clear and gives easy modifications to make movements safe.

I think it is important that people take responsibility for their bone health and have the resources to make exercise accessible to them.

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This is a great resource. The glaring issue with it is that the website links no longer work. I think the digital copies could be updated with her new website as the information is still available if you search for it.

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This is a low stakes cosy fantasy about an adventurer going on a quest to find his missing husband.

This didn't work for me. I found the humour quite off putting, one of the characters keeps flirting with the MC even though he says he wasn't interested. It got a bit uncomfortable but I think it was supposed to be horny Grandma funny?


PuddleJumper I didn't like the main character. He was single minded and mean. He treated the people around him badly and never apologised or accepted that he was wrong. Made it hard to care about him.

The author was clearly having fun with the characters and it's not badly written. I just didn't like it.

dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 1d
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Just saw this on Steam. The demo is available to play if anyone is interested

slategreyskies That actually looks quite cool. I wish they‘d release it on the Switch as well. 4d
PuddleJumper @slategreyskies It would work really well on Switch. Might be a future thing 4d
Faranae Looking into the publisher and developer, it's more likely to get a release on mobile than on Switch - the publisher's history with Switch is minimal and uninspiring (one game took 3 years to get to Switch, another has been in development hell since 2019), and the developer has no experience with Switch but does have quite a bit with mobile. 3d
PuddleJumper @Faranae @slategreyskies Thanks for the information. That's a shame. I don't think I would play it as a mobile game. I like my mobile games too be completely brainless 😂 3d
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Had an evening of 00's rock anthems and jigsaw. This one was very challenging 😂

Deblovestoread Cool puzzle! 6d
PuddleJumper @Deblovestoread It's called Classics Cascade by Jenny Zemanek. It's a fun puzzle, challenging though! 6d
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SOS Hotel | Ariana Nash, Adam Vex
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These read like episodes of a paranormal TV show. Everything is fast paced, lots of tropes, lots of twists and it ends on a cliff hanger.

Each book is between 150-200 pages long which makes them quick read. I would read them back to back if possible.

SOS Hotel | Ariana Nash, Adam Vex
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It's very hot today! I'm out in the garden on a lounger alternating between snoozing and reading.

Enjoying this one so far. I'm only on the first book but it's fun. Perfect for this kind of evening

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I'll post with more details and the bingo boards closer to the time. This is just for people that are already planning and who want to be tagged when I post everything

I've made a bunch of challenges on Storygraph. You can join and plan your reads but it won't officially start until October

I've got 5 up, links will be in the comments

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It is difficult to judge this book because who this is targeted at will change my opinion on the book.

If this book is aimed at yoga teachers who are looking to learn more about pelvic floor and post partum bodies or as additional information alongside pre/post natal yoga training then I think this is a good book.


PuddleJumper If this is aimed at non-teacher yoga people to guide them in their self practice then this is not a good book.

The good stuff first. The anatomy section is amazing. It is important to know the different layers of pelvic floor, the muscle fibres, and how it connects to the rest of the body.

PuddleJumper Too many books treat pelvic floor as something completely independent from the rest of the body which is just not true.

This bit was the best part of the book. It was suitable for everyone and was written in an accessible way.

PuddleJumper The exercise section is where things get tricky. The models used show a range of body types which is great except they are all super flexible. Even when a modification is given, there usually isn't a photo of it.

Many of the exercises require props which not everyone will have. This includes teachers. I had no idea what a trestle was and I've never seen that in a yoga studio.
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PuddleJumper Many of the exercises are advanced exercises and not suitable for people new to yoga. I would not recommend these to people without having a teacher guide them. I would also worry they would get stuck in the folding chair because those ones looked dangerous.
PuddleJumper Again, this is where the audience matters. There is nothing wrong with having more challenging poses if this is aimed at teachers. If this is aimed at the general population then have them in a separate section or offer many different modifications.

The exercises themselves were interesting. There are better and more accessible exercises than the ones shown in this book. They might not strictly be yoga though.

PuddleJumper The special conditions at the end were interesting though they did not cover hysterectomies or pelvic floor dysfunction not connected to child birth which I thought were big oversights.

I wouldn't recommend this to the general population. I would recommend it as a teaching aid purely for the anatomy section.

Thanks to #Netgalley for the #ARC

LiteraryinLawrence Very helpful analysis! 1w
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A Halloween/Autumn vibe #queerbc buddy read for October!

I am getting everything sorted for the autumn. Don‘t worry, I‘ll be posting these again closer to the time and reminding people. I just want to be able to tick this off my list.

Suggest 5 books that fit the Halloween/Autumn vibe. They must feature a LGBTQIA+ character or be written by a LGBTQIA+ author.

You can suggest books until September 8th.


peanutnine How fun! 🎃👻 2w
PuddleJumper @peanutnine I'm ignoring summer and going straight to spooky 😂😂 2w
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Jari-chan Uuh, lovely!! 2w
rwmg If you haven't already seen it, can I recommend a TV series, “Dead Boy Detectives“? It features two teenage mystery-solving ghosts, one of whom is having a gay awakening. 2w
PuddleJumper @rwmg Ooo that's good to know! I've seen trailers and thought it looked good but Netflix. I'm not getting emotionally invested in something that'll get cancelled immediately 😂 2w
rwmg Umm, you say 8 September here but 16 September on the poll page 2w
PuddleJumper You can make suggestions until 8th September. Then people will vote on the suggestions which will be open from 8-16th September 2w
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @PuddleJumper haha I want to go straight to spooky season too! 2w
rwmg You will be emotionally invested by the end, so we need more people watching to give it a better chance of being renewed 😁 2w
PuddleJumper @CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian 🦇🦇 I don't think the heat helps! I just want to sleep. I'm longing for a chilly morning 😂 4d
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August's #queerbc author is Aiden Thomas!

You can read anything written by this author. If you've read them before, drop a recommendation in the comments.

Having just finished Celestial Monsters, I would recommend the Sunbearer Trials duology

Jari-chan Uh, so excited!! 2w
peanutnine Oh yay! I LOVE Cemetery Boys with all my heart! 🧡 I've been waiting to read the Sunbearer Trials until the second one came out, this is perfect timing! 2w
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PuddleJumper @peanutnine They are so good! I really enjoyed them 2w
PuddleJumper @Jari-chan ❤️❤️ 2w
willaful Kind of a shame actually because his books are so perfect for October! 2w
Nutmegnc I loved 🥰 2w
Nutmegnc @peanutnine is there a sequel to Cemetery Boys??!!! 2w
peanutnine @Nutmegnc sadly no, I was referring to the second book in the Sunbearer Trials duology that comes out in September 2w
PuddleJumper @willaful Yeah, they would suit that vibe! Oh well. Still got the buddy read, you can suggest them for that 2w
PuddleJumper @Nutmegnc That was great! 2w
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Can anyone help me find this series? I found a few in a charity shop but they didn't have the first book and I was certain I would remember the name … I did not.

Set in Cambridge (or at least one book). Professor amateur sleuth and local police. I think 1900-1950 time period.

One of the books was called something like ‘shadow of … hall looms‘

I've had no luck with Google. Thanks!


IndoorDame I don‘t know your series, but there‘s a Goodreads group called What‘s The Name of That Book??? you can join and give them those details, members check it super regularly, they have extremely clear instructions on how to post threads and what info to include to get answers, and sometimes it takes a while to get the right answer, but in the end they‘ve never failed to have someone remember my book no matter how obscure 2w
PuddleJumper @IndoorDame That sounds great, thanks! I'll check it out 2w
Ruthiella No clue! Sorry. 😞 But let us know if you find it! Now I am curious !👀 2w
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Jari-chan Maybe it could be one of those? https://www.cambridgecrime.com/curtains.html 2w
Susanita If it‘s a cozy mystery, you can try the folks at cozymystery.com 2w
PuddleJumper @Jari-chan I had a look and it wasn't on there. I did find some other interesting reads 😂 2w
PuddleJumper @Susanita It looked more cosy than thriller. I'll have a look, thanks 2w
PuddleJumper @Ruthiella I will do! It'll probably be nothing like I remembered 😂 2w
Jari-chan @PuddleJumper At least that's something 😂 2w
PuddleJumper @Ruthiella @Jari-chan @Susanita @IndoorDame It was the Southwold Mysteries by Suzette A. Hill. I think I got all of the details wrong 😂😂 6d
Jari-chan @PuddleJumper But you found it!! 🎉 6d
IndoorDame I‘m glad you found it!!! They sound fun! Enjoy! 6d
Ruthiella Yay! So glad you found it! 😃 6d
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The Palace of Eros: A Novel | Caro De Robertis
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I was really excited to read a queer retelling of the Eros and Psyche myth. I was disappointed.

I could not stand the writing style. Lyrical writing can be poetic, this was bloated with unnecessary similes and metaphors. The words start to lose meaning.


PuddleJumper The dense prose distracts from the utter lack of plot or real character depth.

The author made the baffling decision to have Psyche‘s chapters in first person and Eros‘ in third person. Eros was the more interesting character, first person would have given more insight into the character.

Thanks to #Netgalley for the #ARC
dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 2w
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Oh I love it when I get accepted for #ARC that I don't remember requested ...

I've got a bit of a backlog. I got distracted by Kindle Unlimited. I might have to shift a bunch of them to next month and focus on the stuff from #Netgalley

Bad Boy | Joe Satoria
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A Mafia romance I actually enjoyed!

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Aquaculture Affair | Delaney Rain
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This author is so fun. Very short monster fucker books that hit a bunch of different tropes and kinks. They aren't amazing but 200 pages of silly, kinky nonsense are always fun

Going to be adding the individual books to the database so you can all enjoy them too 😅

Untitled | Unknown
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Get 3 months free access to Kindle Unlimited. This is for the UK, not sure if it's anywhere else

Just set a reminder to cancel as it will renew after the 3 months.

Excellent. I was looking for more filth to read.

#ukkindledeal #kindleunlimited

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This is a weird book. The best character was Kristen, the dead wife. The best relationship was Levi and Kristen, his dead wife 😂

It isn't a marriage of convenience. Levi is blackmailed into it. Makes it hard to like the characters or want them together.

The plot made no sense in general. It didn't do it for me.

#readyourkindle @CBee

Booksblanketsandahotbeverage Ugh, too bad.. I love her Irish and Whiskey series 3w
PuddleJumper @Booksblanketsandahotbeverage I'll give her another go, it was the characters that I didn't like 😅 3w
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Mirrored Heavens | Rebecca Roanhorse
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Well that was devastating but in the best possible way. I couldn't put this down and I was tense reading it. It built and built to a conclusion that made sense to the world and story.

As much as I loved it, the pacing felt a little off and some POV chapters weren't as well done as others. Though that could be my bias as some characters I cared more about than others.


PuddleJumper It was an excellent final instalment of an excellent fantasy series. I would recommend this to everyone who enjoys fantasy and epic novels because it is something really unique in those genres. Thanks to #Netgalley for the #ARC 3w
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Another 99p on Kindle. I get a lot of ads from publishers on social media now 🤣

#ukkindledeal #99ponkindle

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One is the author options for #queerbc August is Juno Dawson. If anyone is wanting to continue the series

#ukkindledeal #99ponkindle

BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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#bookspinbingo Yes, if I read Black Leopard, Red Wolf I get 4 squares! I've had this book for over a year and it's from the library 🤣

Kindle will be #readyourkindle picks and I'm resting to get my arc back log down


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looks fantastic!! 3w
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This is quite an old and basic book. It doesn't go into bone density vs bone strength. It's also a bit weirdly placed because some of it is for people with osteoporosis and some of it is for people who are worried about it.

The exercises were general mobility ones rather than weight bearing. The information was good if a little patronising.

It's a quick read though. A good introduction maybe. I think you'd find better information online

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One of these things is not like the other ...! #readyourkindle picks for July

I'm already reading Mirrored Heaven so maybe I'll hit up some romance after that 😀


BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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Ok ok so technically I finished Celestial Monsters in June but it was on my July list so I'm counting it!

#doublespin is a book a client lent me that I keep meaning to read


TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Enjoy!! 3w
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Mirrored Heavens | Rebecca Roanhorse
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I'm excited! It's coming out soon!

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Celestial Monsters | Aiden Thomas
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The book starts immediately where the last book left off. I would suggest re-reading the first book or reading the wiki because it goes straight into action and assumes you remember everything that happened.

I liked that it started this way. It was a continuation and that really worked for this series.


PuddleJumper I loved it. The world building was great, the pacing felt right, and it was fun to join the characters again.

The series had a satisfying conclusion. I thought the ending was a bit rushed. I would have liked a bit more time spent on that but overall I really enjoyed the book.

Thanks to #Netgalley for the #ARC
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I've got several other books to focus on but I'll try and get to Black Leopard, Red Wolf because I technically stole that from the library ... the machine glitched out and it never went onto my account


Roll the Dice | Wayne Avrashow
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July's #roll100 rolls!

Roll 1 = 34
Roll 2 = 3
Roll 3 = 66

I've been away from my dice recently so I've decided to open up submissions and show case other people's pretty dies.

If you want to submit a picture, roll a d100 and d10 and then you can upload the photo to Google Form: https://forms.gle/Mnp48DPHgHpRJeip9

I'll use this alongside my own stuff. So if you have some dice you want to show off, start rolling!

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claudiuo Thank you so much for the roll! I kept looking back in the posts, I thought I missed it. Thank you! 4w
Jari-chan Haha, same here 😅 I was afraid of becoming a stalker 🙈 4w
BarkingMadRead Fun!! I‘ll have to see if I can find my dice, although I don‘t think they‘re as pretty as yours! 4w
PuddleJumper @claudiuo I've been a bit distracted so it went up late! Sorry about that 4w
PuddleJumper @Jari-chan 😂 4w
PuddleJumper @BarkingMadRead I'd argue all dice are pretty! 4w
claudiuo @PuddleJumper I am so grateful you do this, Roll100 is one of my main highlights of each month! I really appreciate you drawing the numbers every month! 4w
PuddleJumper @claudiuo I'm not offended or upset, don't worry! Sometimes I need the reminder to have better time keeping (it's something I suck at) 4w
Ruthiella Yay! Going to check my list now. 😃 4w
Read4life Great start to my day. Off to check my list… 4w
julieclair Yay! Checking my list now. 😃 4w
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Oooh! I might have to dig mine out! They‘ve been packed away ever since the kiddo was born. 😅 Thank you for the roll! ❤️ 4w
Allylu I have #66 down for June: “The Night in Question” by Kathleen Glasgow, #34 “Lily and the Octopus” by Steven Rowley, #3 “Gimme A Call” by Sarah Mlynowski. 4w
SpookyMazeOfBooks Going to fund out right now what my 3 books are for dice roll 4w
PuddleJumper @Allylu ❤️❤️ Sounds great. Happy reading! 4w
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August author pick for #queerbc

If you are behind like me, don‘t worry about it! This is about exploring authors you may not have heard of before.

You get to read anything the author has written. Check them out, see what takes your fancy and vote


July author is Charlie Jane Anders

Jari-chan Voted. Since I don't know any of these authors, are all fine with me anyways 😁 4w
Read4life All are new to me authors. Voted. 4w
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lil1inblue I voted. All are new to me, so I'd be happy with any of the 3! 4w
BookmarkTavern Voted! 👍🏻 4w
PuddleJumper @Jari-chan ❤️ 4w
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Wow! That is the most books logged and most Pokémon caught this year for #gottacatchemall Well done everyone!

Thank you to everyone who filled in the feedback form, it was really helpful. I‘ll leave it up in case you want to change your answers or whatever.

How are we all doing? This was my best month, I actually caught something 😂

Jari-chan I think I have only two tasks open, but am unsure if I sent in all my read books 🙈 need to check asap 😅 4w
Laughterhp I‘ve been forgetting to log all my books, so I did a bunch last week! 😬😬 it was basically all the books I read the last 3 months. 4w
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PuddleJumper @Laughterhp 😂 No worries, I've done the same before! Technically, you did log them all that month! 4w
PuddleJumper @Jari-chan 😂 It'll roll over to next month if not! 4w
Kenyazero I think I‘ve caught one or two recently, bringing me to 11 Pokemon fully completed and several more part-way there! 4w
Jari-chan @PuddleJumper I missed to log one sometime during the last six months 😅 Now I need to find out which book it is... 😆 4w
PuddleJumper @Kenyazero That's great! 🥳🥳 4w
kwmg40 I had a good month and caught several Pokémon. I've got 8 of them now! 4w
PuddleJumper @kwmg40 Nice! Well done! 4w
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CBee 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 1mo
melissajayne What are the #roll100 numbers for July? 4w
PuddleJumper @melissajayne I've not done them yet 4w
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4w
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A bunch of LGBTQIA+ romance books for cheap on Kindle. Seems to be US only though.


Celestial Monsters | Aiden Thomas
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Ooo #Netgalley approved my request! I'm so excited. I loved the first book.

TBR what? Shush. New shiny.

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I'm not sure what it says about me that I got legit excited when I was shown anatomy of the layers of pelvic floor muscles. Then the pelvic floor wasn't treated in isolation but as part of the rest of the body? Oh swoon!

Can we stop imagining the pelvic floor as this mystical thing that does not influence the body or be influenced by the body.

TheBookHippie WORD. Best thing I ever did was PT for pelvic floor. 1mo
slategreyskies @TheBookHippie I didn‘t know there was PT for pelvic floor. I could really use that. Thanks for the heads up. I‘ll have to look into it. 1mo
PuddleJumper @slategreyskies Over active and weak pelvic floors present pretty similarly. You can't really know unless you get a pelvic exam. I had an internal exam by a women's health physio and that was the best thing. I'd been told over and over that my pelvic floor was weak and I needed to strengthen it. Turns out it was too strong and wanted to stabilize my entire body and never relaxed! 🤣 1mo
TheBookHippie @slategreyskies I think I still have all the papers in my medical folder I‘ll look when I get home. But IT is so WORTH IT. 1mo
TheBookHippie @PuddleJumper SAME! 😵‍💫😅😝 1mo
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The idea of this book is a really great one and definitely something that is needed. The fitness industry has become increasingly toxic and not an inclusive environment though this is being challenged by a lot of fitness professionals.


PuddleJumper I liked that there was a focus on exploring movement and exploring your body. That is something that has been lost.

Movement has to have meaning now. You can't just move because you enjoy it, it's to lose weight or build muscle or whatever, and that's very damaging.

PuddleJumper My feelings are split about this book. I am both the target audience and not the target audience. I am a Pilates teacher and I am a neurospicy hypermobile.

The focus on improving sleep, hydration, stress levels etc were excellent. The bite sized explanations on the body and exercise were really well written and easy to read and understand. Loved that.
PuddleJumper The exercises were well explained and the photos helpful. I liked the movement snacks. Short flows are a great way to get people moving and building it into their routine.

My problem is with the ‘assessment portion‘. It was not an assessment. It was a mobility check in and I have no issue with that! Get to know your body, get to know what niggles and clicks to inform you going forward but you are not assessing your body.
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PuddleJumper You are encouraged to make notes about what you feel doing these movements but that is the end of it. There is no further advice, or explanation, or suggestions for different movements.

There's a difference between noting your shoulder crunches in arm circles and knowing to move more slowly, than noting you rotate in a seated side bend which could be due to muscular imbalance though you wouldn't know that.
PuddleJumper Assessment implies that this information will be used to inform something. If you take these notes and pass them onto a movement teacher they will ask you to repeat the movements so they can watch you. I think I'm mostly confused by the language.
PuddleJumper Thanks to #Netgalley for the #ARC 1mo
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I am finally able to review this! I‘ve been running the campaign for close to two years now and we‘re going into the finale in July (which is not in the book). I replaced the Icewind Dale setting with Eiselcross from Wildmount. Nothing major was changed but I thought I‘d mention it.

PuddleJumper This cannot be run as written; it is a poorly conceived adventure and needs a lot of help from third party material. It felt more like random encounter after random encounter rather than a complete adventure. If you are looking for snowy side quests or ideas then grab a few from here and re-jig as necessary.
PuddleJumper Ten Towns is problematic. I would grab either an expanded version of them or write your own as some of the stuff included in the book did not make sense or was unnecessary. Looking at you incest town.

The middle part has nothing to do with the main plotline. It‘s essentially a side quest to grind levels. The players had no motivation to engage with it. It was mostly dungeon crawls, fortresses, nothing unusual or special.

PuddleJumper My players had a lot of fun in Ythryn, though mine was Aeor and I took a lot of inspiration from what was done in Critical Role. They did not enjoy hitting specific locations to find bits of poetry. Again, they weren‘t fully interested in the plot.

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PuddleJumper There were fun elements but get third party stuff to help restructure it and make Auril an interesting BBEG. Her stat block was a joke. If your characters are level 15 when they encounter her, she won‘t be a challenge at all.

PuddleJumper The art work was amazing. I loved flicking through this book because it was so colourful. It does add depth to a tundra/snow setting, the monsters are fun, and you can transplant the dungeon crawls into other settings. The maps were really good as well so the locations could be useful in other campaigns.

PuddleJumper I would definitely run it again but I would make changes before we even start.

Also, if your players/characters like animals ignore the awakened animals part because that is all they will focus on.
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December – January will have #wintercosy which will be 2 bingo boards again and #wintercleardown

December will be #castthedie #gottacatchemall winter edition, #queerbc buddy read and #snowedin

All my other regular stuff will be running alongside these. You don‘t need to be part of #queerbc to join in or whatever.


Deblovestoread Loved #SnowedIn last year! Look forward to all the Winter fun. 💜 1mo
PuddleJumper @Deblovestoread 💙💙 It's one of my faves too! 1mo
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I‘m usually busier in autumn than in the summer so I‘m trying to get on top of everything. I tend to run a bunch of challenges/bingos etc in October and December

This is mostly for me to keep on track with things and to let you know guys what is coming up so you can watch out for the inevitable Google Forms coming your way!

PuddleJumper The plan is to run #afterdarkbingo #bodycountbingo as usual, have a spooky #gottacatchemall and a pumpkaboo hunt, #queerbc buddy read. #castthedie and #trappedinaspookyhouse
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Updating my spreadsheet with #ARCs and #ReadYourKindle and #Roll100

I'm already looking forward to #Scarathlon and #Wintergames 😂 I've got several spooky and Christmassy Kindle books that I want to save

Bookwormjillk Me too! I already have a pile of books I‘m saving! 1mo
PuddleJumper @Bookwormjillk ❤️ Glad I'm not the only one! 1mo
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Oh bit late but they still are free (the ones I've gone for) #stuffyourkindle

I was just getting to grips with my Kindle books and now that's gone!

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Memoirs are not a genre I gravitate towards. I wanted to read this book because of my interest in Greek tragedy and because I've experienced suicidal ideation. I was curious about using ancient literature as a way to explore and understand people's decision to kill themselves and the impact it has on the people left behind.


PuddleJumper It was a very interesting read, but I found it a bit disconnected. It was a dry read. Even the sections about her family and her experiences were very dry. If it was more emotive I might have felt more connected.

Equally, it is the author‘s right to keep that to themselves especially regarding such a sensitive topic. It isn't a criticism or a demand for vulnerability. I personally found it difficult to overcome that distance.

PuddleJumper Thanks to #Netgalley for the #ARC 1mo
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Fathomfolk | Eliza Chan
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This was a very sweet and easy to read manga. The title pretty much gives the plot away – Hasimoto badmouths his boss to a friend in an online game, not knowing that his friend is actually his boss.

There are multiple misunderstandings, mostly because Hasimoto is ridiculously dense, but they serve to further the plot and character development and are comical rather than angsty.

PuddleJumper It was definitely cute and easy brain fluff.

Thanks to #Netgalley for the #ARC
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This is a very fun manga about a man who finds himself working for a ghost real estate agency.

He has to work with the mysterious tattooed hottie. I'm guessing this will turn romantic in the future. I wouldn't mind either way. These two work really well together and have a nice, fun developing relationship whether it's romantic or not.

PuddleJumper I really enjoyed the supernatural element. It was something a bit different. The different spirits and their stories were interesting. The zashiki warashi was definitely my favourite. 1mo
PuddleJumper Thanks to #Netgalley for the #ARC 1mo
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There are a bunch of publishers giving away free stuff for Free RPG Day

Roll & Play Press are giving away an adventure from One Shot Wonders. I have this book, it is great for quick side quests/one shots


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July's #queerbc author is Charlie Jane Anders!

Thank you to everyone who voted! I'm not familiar with this author so I'm excited to see what they've written.

If you've read them before then drop some recommendations below or let people know what you've chosen to read

willaful I'm mostly read her short stories but All The Birds in the Sky is good. 1mo
PuddleJumper @willaful Short stories sound great 1mo
peanutnine I loved Victories Greater than Death! I'm excited to continue the series, I think it's a trilogy? 1mo
PuddleJumper @peanutnine Oh fun! Looks like there are 3 books, not sure if it's a trilogy or series 1mo
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