A smile that understood you as much as you wanted to be understood, believed in you as much as you wanted them to believe you, and gave the reassurance that you really did convey the feeling you had best hoped to convey....
A smile that understood you as much as you wanted to be understood, believed in you as much as you wanted them to believe you, and gave the reassurance that you really did convey the feeling you had best hoped to convey....
I'm on maternity leave again this year so my workplace is my home library. Excuse the cot (who needs a nursery when you have a library?) This #workplacebooks is a lot of fun, particularly for visual-spatial learners just starting their high-school grammar journey. For students who are so visual-spatial dominant that any auditory-sequential task is grindingly frustrating, this book is a God-send. Thank you Tohby Riddle - grammar nerds united 😀