Look what else came in the mail today! I can't wait to dive into these #nonfiction #queerhistories! Once an academic always an academic! 😅 #queerbooks #bookmail #lesbian #lgbtqa
Look what else came in the mail today! I can't wait to dive into these #nonfiction #queerhistories! Once an academic always an academic! 😅 #queerbooks #bookmail #lesbian #lgbtqa
John Boswell was the chairman of the Yale History Department. He died of AIDS in 1994. As the discussion of gay marriage heated up around the country, I've always been surprised that Boswell's scholarship on same-sex unions did not become more mainstream. Perhaps one reason his papers have not received the widespread attention they deserve: this is academic writing and not bestseller nonfiction-- the footnotes are big enough to come in shoeboxes!