“...John Foster Dulles liked to think himself as chess master of the free world. His younger brother would become something more powerful still—the knight-errant who enforced America‘s imperial will. As director of the CIA, Allen Dulles liked to think he was the hand of the king, but if so, he was the left hand-the sinister hand.He was master of the dark deeds that empires require.” #spies #history #America
Wow, an incredible and frightening book. It tells the story of Allen Dulles who led the CIA and basically made it what it is today (not in a good way). Scary stuff!! This basically covers WWII through Kennedy's death. Very long and detailed, very well written. Amazing to see what power hungry people will do. And don't get me started on the Kennedy assassination. I've never been one to believe conspiracy theories but I'm definitely starting to now!
Like Garth Ennis' Genesis, the spirit offspring of an angel and demon that possessed Jesse Custer in the Preacher comics, Talbot's journey is a hot summer story as told by your favorite rogue uncle on the porch: revealing, concise, and painful. More frightening than any horror story I can think of.
"I spent a lot of time on the writing, not just the research, because I do believe at the end of the day this is a war of ideas and the best story wins." - David Talbot, speaking with journalist Robert Scheer