He comes off sounding so jealous of Brian Wilson. He claims he co-wrote many of The Beach Boys hits but has all sorts of excuses as to why he sued decades afterward, once Dennis and Carl were dead to verify whether it was true or not. There would be no Beach Boys without Brian Wilson. The same cannot be said for Mike Love.
I'm trying to be understanding, because I know that he became famous at a very young age and, apparently, just stopped aging...
This book felt like one long argument. He tried to convince me he wasn't racist (despite saying racist things...), was the most important beach boy, and that the beach boys were better than the beatles etc etc The Whole Time.
Regardless of if any of those are true, I came out of this book just so annoyed.
There's something so beautiful about being able to see progress like this - probably why my short attention span can't handle ebooks (unfortunately).
There are so many things I don't like about this book, but I'm really sailing through !
I'm not really enjoying this book that much but this part was cute right ? #beachboys #goodvibrations
As a member of The Beach Boys, I was the one most apt to find the positives, the silver lining, even in moments of despair.