How DARE you
I'll never get used to these weird bookish coincidences, like reading a book of essays and coming across a reference to something I read on another book of essays earlier today #notimetospare
TBT to two weeks ago when I was reading Star Wars stories on a cruise ship in the Caribbean instead of on the internet waiting for work to end
I NEVER DNF books, but the first 30 pages of this one were like pulling teeth so as much as Major Tom enjoys rubbing his face on it we're gonna have to say goodbye
Took a break on yesterday's lunch to read (and love) Khizr Khan's beautiful memoir, but now I'm back at it with Victoria The Queen
Feeling ambitious on my lunch break today
I'm not enjoying this book at all, except for the joy I get imagining people not from Washington trying to pronounce Sequim 👌👌👌
I can't review this book for obvious reasons.
So this is kind of really personal, but in a few days it'll be ten years since my cousin went missing, so this was probably not a good time to read this book. Parts of it were way too close to home.
However, my cousin is black so I really appreciated the way that the author explored the difference in how missing kids are treated depending on what they look like.
Also, I really did enjoy the story and read it all in one go.
I've been reading all of Carrie Fisher's books in preparation for princess diarist, which my husband is getting me for Christmas and I LOVE them.
It's like listening to Carrie Fisher ramble about her life which is a DREAM.
I'm really enjoying this series - in fact, I liked this book better than the first! I love the characters and the story, everything!
These are really good, quick reads
I LOVE Kenneth Oppel, so even though I really don't think this one was his best I still really enjoyed it.
I think if I was more familiar with the story of Frankenstein I would have enjoyed this more, because I kind of felt the whole time like I was missing things that were important.
It was still super enjoyable, and as always with Oppel, I really loved that there was an important female character even in a novel like this.
Maybe it's because I'm not familiar with the story of Tan Coul, but I really didn't enjoy this book.
It took me WEEKS to read this, I read like 20 pages and fell asleep most of the time 😕
I couldn't get on board with the deliberate misspellings in their letters to each other, and I ESPECIALLY couldn't get on board with a romantic relationship between a child and an adult??? The story was really confusing, but I think I wasn't paying attention😕
I bought this beautiful edition YEARS ago, and while it's one of the prettiest books on my shelves, both stories remain classics I haven't read 😕
I really liked this story and would have really enjoyed it, but I was super uncomfortable with the way she talked about both race and gender. It could have been intentional, but I still really couldn't get on board.
I was kind of nervous about this one because spinoffs of anything are rarely that good, and I was pleasantly surprised.
I really enjoyed this! I felt like it wasn't trying too hard to be like the original, and was really interesting and good in its own right, while bringing in the sisterhood enough to still make sense as a spinoff.
I loved this one. It had so many things that I really enjoy -story about the Titanic, multiple perspectives, and I really love the way he played with format.
I was weirded out at first when the iceberg and the promenades and stuff had their own voice but they ended up being really enjoyable too.
This is another book that really helped me get through the difficult times we're in now - it's so incredibly relevant to today I couldn't believe it.
The only part I didn't enjoy was the relationship. I thought it was kind of an irresponsible portrayal in a book that is full of so many good lessons.
"Time and space were bathtubs that Maura splashed in" is a GREAT line
This one was really disappointing because it is such an interesting story, and I came into it knowing nothing about Rosemary, so it should have been so good but somehow it was really boring??
It felt so impersonal, I came out with no impression of who she was as a person, more like a list of facts. And I understand the thought behind talking so much about the other Kennedys, but it wasn't framed in a way that made sense to the story.
This was so good!
I love detective novels but sometimes they can get a little predictable. I love how this one felt totally different from anything I've ever read before.
So I have a family member who, if asked about systemic racism, insists that there is no empirical evidence, that it's all conjecture.
Even if that were true 😒😒, when I read a book like this it's so hard to understand why conjecture wouldn't be enough for her tbh.
This book was so good, but so hard to read. It was painfully raw and personal and I felt like I was seeing something I wasn't supposed to, and like my eyes were really opened.
This was my second attempt to read this book. and for some reason I really enjoyed it this time!
I didn't really enjoy what felt like the tendency to be vulgar just for the sake of it, but I also really did like it in that books about men are always allowed to be that way (although I don't tend to like those ones either...)
Anyway, I really enjoyed the way this story unfolded, and I loved the way that it was feminist in a sort of new way.
I really loved this. The format was excellent and the story was so compelling.
I've heard that it might be ableist, and unfortunately that tends to be something I'm not excellent at catching - did anyone feel like this was ableist?
Listening to @rebeccaschinsky talking about Big Little Lies on #AllTheBooks is making me really want to finally get started on Truly Madly Guilty (why have I been waiting so long???), but we've got to wash the car so I have to wait 😭😭😭
Jacqueline Woodson can do no wrong - I've loved everything I've read by her!
Also, I keep trying to brush that cat hair off my screen but it's part of the picture! It's huge!
#catsoflitsy ????
I'm actually really surprised that I didn't like this one, because I really loved Fables.
I was so bored throughout this whole story, and I was super annoyed because it felt like it was trying to be funny but just never was... also the art was just like so dark (Like literally dark) that it was unpleasant to look at.
It's weird how books that completely fit the situation we're in at any given time can just fall into your lap
I really didn't think I would like this one - I'm trying to read more horror, but this didn't seem like my "type".
But I loved it. It was so weird! It took a while to get used to how strange the style was, but once I did I was surprised how funny it was?? Definitely still scary, but it was so much more than that.
Definitely my favorite in this series. It could be a little predictable at times but I am just so impressed with how she tackles such serious subjects while keeping the series light and fun to read.
I finally started Queen of Shadows and I'm sad I waited so long - I'm really enjoying it!
Unfortunately, I'm not sure how much I'll be reading this weekend. My father in law is in Orlando for work, so we'll be having sort of an early Thanksgiving with my husband's family up there. The 3 hour drive WOULD be perfect for reading but #Pokemon came out today so.....👌👌👌👌👌
I really loved The Summer of Chasing Mermaids, but after reading this one and having really struggled through a couple of chapters of another, I don't think I'm going to pick up another Sarah Ockler. 😕
The characters in this one were annoying and the plot wasn't the most solid thing in the world. I love her writing, but it was just not fun to read.
I would definitely suggest reading Little Girl Lost before this one, because I definitely wouldn't have enjoyed it the same way if I hadn't.
On its own, it's kind of scattered and not that well-written (and kind of not very interesting), but being able to see so many changes between the woman who wrote this book and the child who wrote her first was really beautiful and kind of inspiring
It was weird feeling so protective of the child who wrote this book when Drew Barrymore is actually like 20 years older than me, but there's so much disorder in this book its devastating.
A little off because it did feel like she was just parroting things she had been told, but it felt like such a sad mixture of mature and way too young.
This entire collection is genuinely hilarious, and surprising in the best way.
If you're not sure about short story collections, start with this one - there isn't a bad one in the bunch, and there's so much variety that you could hypothetically read this very slowly but I couldn't put it down.
This was a really quality autobiography!
Easy to read, almost always actually interesting, and really down to earth!
There were times I felt like it could have been more personal, but it's his choice how much he wants to share with us and I really enjoyed reading what we got!
I was nervous about this one after not liking Party Games, but this was everything I wanted R.L. Stine to be.
It was the perfect mix of real life and paranormal, and a good mix of scary but not really that scary. There were some predictable twists and some I never saw coming.
Overall, super enjoyable, light read!
I've read both of Drew Barrymore's autobiographies since yesterday so I felt like it was time to rewatch 50 first dates- one of my favorites
feat. #ChristmasTree - my husband and I impulse bought a 7.5' tree at target yesterday despite our intentions to buy a much smaller tree at a much later time...🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄
After a couple of days of not being able to sleep, read, focus on anything for more than 5 seconds, I'm so glad I decided to pick this up.
Not only did it allow me to finally FINISH something, this story gave me so much hope.
It's so cheesy, but seeing a story of women continuing to fight despite living in a world that is so hateful made me feel like we really can get through anything that's thrown at us for the next 4 years.
The only thing better than being actually asleep at 4 in the morning is having the company of two cats, a heated blanket, and a good book❤❤❤😻😻😻
#Mogget #catsoflitsy #petsoflitsy
I'm so excited to finally have this book in my hands- it's definitely helping with this slump!
Although it's definitely taking me longer than it should to get through it!
I'm so restless and uneasy, I've started so many books and just can't concentrate at all. I know a lot of you guys are feeling the same way so even though I haven't been posting I'm so thankful to see that I'm not alone❤