Book nerd GOLD. Just in time for October. #outofprint
Book nerd GOLD. Just in time for October. #outofprint
Even better than I See You. I felt like part of the resolution was unnecessary, but overall it had me just as compelled as Gone Girl.
It reminds me of summer because I read it every August. I love its characters so much I miss them through the rest of the year. It's functional, not fancy. #sweetsummerstack
FINALLY. School is out. All is done. Now I have all of this to look forward to. And my litmail book!😁😁😁
Wow. Just as powerful as American Psycho. Disturbing in every true sense of the word. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ for the writing, but 👎 for the subject matter.
Do I have any friends that could get through this book? I've read it all as far as sociopaths and creepers, murderers and molesters.... But this book just makes me cringe.
So I bombed out on the #readathon and spent more time sleeping than reading and only finished one book, but I'll soldier on tomorrow.
In better news, I did get ALL OF THESE at the library sale I went to instead of reading. Including the greatest title I've ever seen. Gonna use it for my micropress read in the read harder challenge.
The greatest sign I've ever seen in a bookstore... #readathon #break
Pet peeve: ordering a trilogy from the library and having the second and third delivered before the first. 📚📚📚
So good. Read three stories in two hours. May finish it in the same night.
Meh. I feel like the book could have used a better structure than simply Part I, Part II, Part III, etc. It didn't tie well enough for me.. But I expect a lot out of my bouncing narratives with unreliable narration.
Miriam Black is a badass. Mockingbirds are too, no disrespect to Harper Lee. #READATHONANIMAL
Back in the saddle! 13 completion a for March. 4 nonfiction, 1 play, 2 YA.
@TheKidUpstairs thank you so much! I'm super excited to add these to my collection and deepen my knowledge of Canadians and First Nations culture. 🎉😝🙌
Didn't like how the author voiced Caliban AT ALL. Just because he doesn't speak the language doesn't mean he's simple. Very disappointing.
Broke my book buying moratorium. #oops📖📕📚💳💸💰
On the left is the TBR. On the right is what I've actually read. #oops
The ends don't tie well, but the journey is glorious.
The crop doesn't do it justice... So excited!
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ so informative, but still so human. The author interweaves historic chronicling with personal experience to great effect. A powerful history of the movement for equal rights.
Alright. I feel like I'm supposed to feel empathy for Ralph Angel in spite of his being an ENORMOUS ASS TO EVERYONE.. But I just can't do it. What. A. Douche.
💫 Wow. And whoa. And wow again. 💫
Parks has eclipsed Justineau with this realization. Did not see that coming at all. #buddyread
About 20% in, on recommendation from a friend of mine. Very informative and insightful, at least for a cis hetero white female.
Look what I got on the recommendation of @booksteasandbookishthings you should apply for a recommendation discount!!
Fifty pages in thirty-five minutes.. It's a good one so far.
Lovely. Just lovely. ⭐⭐⭐
Any recs for a lover of the show? Much more so than the original mythology by Thomas Harris.
I decided for Lent I'd give up buying books. Terrible idea.