“Become an advocate for better local technology and usability practice.”
“Become an advocate for better local technology and usability practice.”
“You can build current and experiential awareness of instructional technologies and strategies through a robust personal learning environment (PLE).”
“Reuse repositories can save time and create a consistent foundation of learning materials.”
“An implementation plan can help to stimulate interest in instruction through marketing, or prepare learners for the interaction using advance communication.”
“Determine how you can extend the interaction using technological and analog support methods.”
“Subject matter experts are individuals better versed in topical content who can assist in identifying your own knowledge gaps.”
“The USER method (Understand, Structure, Engage, Reflect) is a rapid, scalable, and learner-focused approach to library instructional design.”
“Design thinking helps you balance your teaching brain.”
“Learners can be engaged via intrinsic and extrinsic motivational strategies.”
“Four factors affecting learning are memory, motivation, environment, and prior knowledge.”
“Critical questioning is a method for investigating information bias and access.”
“Targets are the goals, objectives, and outcomes that allow you to structure measurable learning interactions.”
Today‘s #bookhaul - I needed the tagged for my upcoming MLIS class on information literacy instruction. Obviously, I couldn‘t buy just one.