It‘s impossible not to love someone who makes toast for you
It‘s impossible not to love someone who makes toast for you
Front row seats this afternoon for Toast - the stage play. It was super fun - at one point a character on stage invites all 600 members of the audience to open the Walnut Whips we‘d been handed during the interval and there‘s a good few minutes pause whilst we all eat! Fabulous!
From one of my all time favorite food writers. This book is a raw, honest story of his childhood told through stories of the food that was a part of his home. I read it in one sitting.
#marchintoreading #day24 My #autobuyauthors (clockwise from top left) Nigel Slater, David Nicholls, Sarah Winman, Donna Tartt, Jamie Oliver, Audrey Niffenegger, Kazuo Ishiguro and my beloved Alan Cumming... will read anything that any of them write.... 😍📚
Waaay more intimate than I expected. Refreshingly real, if highly stylized à la Slater.