Bryn is charged with murder & treason and is on the run, hiding among humans when Konstantine joins her. They realize all the shenanigans have been planned by the Kanin Queen and try to talk the other tribes into war.
Bryn is charged with murder & treason and is on the run, hiding among humans when Konstantine joins her. They realize all the shenanigans have been planned by the Kanin Queen and try to talk the other tribes into war.
True to my prediction yesterday I got next to nothing done. I read this entire novel, which I personally feel was a great way to spend the day....
I accidentally read the 3rd book before the 2nd but I feel like the universe decided I needed a reminder lesson in trusting my gut and in paying attention to things.
Also it's amazing so you should read it!
It‘s a beautiful reading day, it‘s cloudy but bright and looks like it might rain... I may get so absorbed in this new book that I forsake the list of chores I need to get done 😂
Anyone else have that problem where you get so involved in a story you physically can‘t put it down?
#heartandsoulbooks #booklover #kaninchrinicles #amandahocking #crystalkingdom #soexcited #perfectreadingweather
What a great series! This is the last book in a series so I will not discuss much about its actual contents. It wraps up the series nicely. There is loss of main characters as well as characters we knew about briefly that mattered a lot to our main characters. The mystery unfolds to bring clarity and because of this we know who our protagonists need to fight in order for the community to be free once again.
The third and final book in this series, it all wraps up neatly in a little package. I was left wanting more though, like even though what I wanted to happen happened it wasn't satisfying. Idk if that makes sense but I guess it just felt a bit obvious/contrived. Still happy I read the series but there just wasn't that feeling I get when finishing a great series.