I had a hard time getting into this but ended up really loving it. Abigail Adams was so interesting- part time feminist icon part time mother in law from hell, this book showed all sides. I really recommend this one.
I had a hard time getting into this but ended up really loving it. Abigail Adams was so interesting- part time feminist icon part time mother in law from hell, this book showed all sides. I really recommend this one.
I fell asleep too early and now am trying to read and listen my way out of insomnia. I‘m fascinated by the description of John Adams‘ smallpox inoculation and his subsequent confinement.
First page:Abigail is born. Then a random speal about a comet. Second page: now shes 17 and here are her thoughts about disappointment! Yeah, im looking for a good biography now
Well-rounded, readable bio of Abigail Adams, who helped shape America through her influence on her husband, John. She was way ahead of her time in advocating for women's rights. In a culture that frowned on educating women, she was intelligent, widely read, and made savvy financial investments often without the knowledge of her husband- also a cultural taboo. Holton does an excellent job of highlighting Adams' strengths as well as her weaknesses.
I know the parties were different back in Abigail Adams‘ time, but when I read this I couldn‘t help but think, “DAMN, GIRL ... SAME.” 😖
Abigail Adams was one of America‘s original nasty women. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🙌🏼
- Abigail Adams
In March of 1776, Abigail Adams wrote a letter to her husband John, to remember the women who were fighting for independence too. Of course, he did not do so when creating the Declaration of Independence or later with the US Constitution.
#QuotsyAug20 #particular
Me, listening to a book podcast: “Oh, that one about Abigail Adams sounds really good!”
Me, browsing through the stacks in my library room: “Oh, I already have it! Yay!”
When my husband asks why I have/need so many books ... THIS. Right here. This is why.
A fascinating look at Abigail Adams. Most of us know about her “Remember the Ladies” appeal to her husband. This bio also shows her financial astuteness in spite of women having little legal power in that arena. She often advised other women on how to be financially stable after marriage and preparation for their possible widowhood — this was at a time when men generally had financial control but for some loopholes. A woman ahead of her times!