I never thought pain could feel this top-notch.
Her lips on my skin make me feel wasted,
to the point I doubt I‘ll ever be able to reach sobriety.
I turn around and take her hands in mine. It's difficult for me not to look at her. My mouth waters again, craving the liquor I know she wears over her skin. But I need to fight the urge I feel and put abstinence into practice before I slip. If I taste her, I may relapse.
I can already feel the unbearable pain sneaking on my knees as I recall the punishments I had to endure at the orphanage, as I cried for repentance at the face of the Sisters every time I committed a sin. (edited) 3y
from the pain in order to heal, but I don't wanna.
A pain like this should never be appeased.
If touching her is a sin, I'll kneel on rock salt every single day and scratch the wounds until they bleed, just to spend eternity soaring against her skin.
- AMBER 3y
We are! 😃 @jeannasser
#Amberlie #illshadows #wlw #lgbt #love #romance #stayhuman #read #scifi #whiskerlove #2022
Check it out - Goodreads
https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/55354499-ill-shadows 3y