An early imprint of Handel's Messiah at the Armagh Public Library.
I took a photo of a section that means a great deal to me:
"He shall feed His flock like a shepherd...
Come unto Him all ye that labour
Come unto Him ye that are heavy laden
And He will give you rest...
For He is meek and lowly of heart
And ye will find rest unto your soul."
There was a collection of old books on display at the Armagh Public Library, including the amusing "Breeches Bible". This note was displayed next to the original, which I couldn't get into the same photo.
I promised photos from the Armagh Public Library.
It was a friend's birthday today and to celebrate we visited the 18th century library in the city of Armagh. I will post more photos of this glorious place tomorrow.
This Greek inscription over the door means "Healing Place of the Soul".