I‘m behind! I really enjoyed this one! 🥀 🖤
I‘m behind! I really enjoyed this one! 🥀 🖤
#VolumesAndVocals Day 20: #B4HeCheatsCUnderwood - daughter and I are only in the first few chapters in our book club of two as we read aloud to both Snickers and the husband (we are making our reading very audio-book like), but there is a #B4HeCheats vibe to this entire story - am I right? Lols
#VolumesAndVocals #B4HeCheats
I never read the book but I do like the movie & think it fits the #BeforeHeCheats prompt pretty well! (Also kind of liking that cover! 😆)
“…I might have saved a little trouble for the next girl
A-'cause the next time that he cheats
Oh, you know it won't be on me
No, not on me…”
In 1966 a band called Bob Kuban & the In-men had a one-hit wonder with “The Cheater.” I‘d never heard of either until I recently saw an episode of Forensic Files that discussed the murder of the lead singer in 1983.
As a traveling musician, he didn‘t exactly lead a life of marital fidelity, but meanwhile his second wife was having an affair of her own. Her lover engineered his wife‘s death as well as Walter‘s. #b4hecheats #volumesandvocals