Doing a reread of one of my fav authors Scarlet Scar Trilogy since the new updated versions released this past week.
#BloodRush #BenGalley #TheScarletScarTrilogy #trilogy #book #ebook #kindle
Doing a reread of one of my fav authors Scarlet Scar Trilogy since the new updated versions released this past week.
#BloodRush #BenGalley #TheScarletScarTrilogy #trilogy #book #ebook #kindle
Bought a new kindle basic in denim blue for half the price on unclaimed baggage. This is my 4th kindle I own. I see why people love the basic. Reading my favorite author Ben Galley‘s Emaneska series. I highly recommend this for all you fantasy lovers out there.
#TheEmaneskaSeries #BenGalley #favauthor #ebook #kindle #kindlebasic
It was snowing outside. The white flakes drifted lazily in the chill night breeze, dusting the rocky mountainside with an ivory blanket. Ice crystals flurries and spun, dancing through the cold night air, skittering along the windowsill. By all rights, it was a foul night for Arfell.
#TheWritten #BenGalley #FirstLineFridays
Grabbing this trilogy at only .99 cents from Amazon, and not knowing anything about it other than a description, I can thoroughly say I am really enjoying it quite a bit. Chasing Graves is Ben's latest epic series, set in an Egyptian-themed fantasy world where ghosts are bound as slaves for the rich, and being murdered is just the start of your problems.
#ChasingGraves #BenGalley #Trilogy #ebook #book #books #bookstagram