Just stumbled upon this book a few days ago and I‘m totally loving it. And the 3rd book Oathbound just came out yesterday. I have some reading to do to catch up. But I don‘t see that a problem.
#Legendborn #TracyDeonn #series #ebook #kindle
Just stumbled upon this book a few days ago and I‘m totally loving it. And the 3rd book Oathbound just came out yesterday. I have some reading to do to catch up. But I don‘t see that a problem.
#Legendborn #TracyDeonn #series #ebook #kindle
Watched Tacoma FD and Capt. Eddie Penisi has been reading this on the show. They make mention of it a few times and I said let me see what this book is all about. I am really enjoying this. Can already see how moving this book is going to be at only 30 pages in.
#APrayerforOwenMeany #JohnIrving #book #ebook #kindle
Picked up the Crescent City trilogy at a real good price from Target. Price matched for some super savings. Excited to have physical copies of this series.
#CrescentCity #SarahJMaas #HouseofEarthandBlood #HouseofSkyandBreath #HouseofFlameandShadow #trilogy #boxset #physicalcopy #books
Found this from a booktuber lightly mentioning it on one of his videos. It‘s right up my alley Bought the whole series on my kindle after reading a few chapters.
Five days after Owen Zastava Pitt pushed his insufferable boss out of a fourteenth story window, he woke up in the hospital with a scarred face, an unbelievable memory, and a job offer. This is the tag line. You‘ll see once you read it.
#MonsterHunterInternational #larrycorreia #kindle
Haven‘t posted much, as I have been in a reading slump. Brought out my kindle oasis after watching a booktuber say it‘s still his fav device. It‘s the physical page turn buttons that make it.
This book is great and got me back from my slump. Ya know if you follow me here, every so often I do read a science/nature book aside from the fiction I usually read. This does not disappoint.
#thelostworldofthedinosaurs #arminschmitt #ebook #kindleoasis
Doing a reread of one of my fav authors Scarlet Scar Trilogy since the new updated versions released this past week.
#BloodRush #BenGalley #TheScarletScarTrilogy #trilogy #book #ebook #kindle
Having a reading date with the gf at the park today. Just enjoying the weather and each others company while reading and having some snacks.
#park #parkdate #readingdate #book #ebook #crescentcity #sarahjmaas #kindle #love
Never read a Sarah J. Maas book before. Going with this series. Heard tons of good things. How‘d I do for a first Maas book?
#houseofearthandblood #crescentcity #sarahjmaas #series #book #ebook #kindle
Giving this a go after playing some Space Marine 2. Really want to dig into some Warhammer 40k lore. Enjoying it so far.
#HorusHeresy #HorusRising #DanAbnett #Warhammer40k #book #ebook #kindle
Think Hogwarts for adults that learn to become masters at murder (instead of magic) set in the 1950s.
Really enjoying this one. Has a first person journal account of our main character but also switches to narrative accounts of other characters experiences and missions.
#MurderYourEmployer #McMastersGuidetoHomicide #RupertHolmes #book #ebook #kindle
Having finished the second book in this series, moving right along to the third book. Love this series. It‘s perfect in terms of writing and pacing with keeping right along with following the previous book and alluding of things to come. Huge McCammon fan.
#MisterSlaughter #RobertMcCammon #MatthewCorbett #series #book #ebook #kindle
For any Doctor Who fan wanting to know more about the TARDIS, this is it. A memoir told from the point of view of the TARDIS herself, chronicling her adventures with the Doctor, from when he stole her up to adventures with the 15th Doctor.
#ITARDIS #SteveCole #DoctorWho #TARDIS #bluebox #policebox #biggerontheinside #memoir #book #ebook #kindle
Picked up the leather edition collection of Game of Thrones books. These are really nice.
#gameofthrones #asongoffireandice #georgerrmartin #leatheredition #collection #books
Got into Kamen Rider with a later TV series. Going back and reading the manga that started it all. This is some good stuff. Makes me want to go and read and watch everything there is.
#kamenrider #shotaroishinomori #manga #1971 #50thanniversayedition
Just watched Brats, the documentary on Hulu and this book was mentioned in it. The documentary was interesting and so well done. Now I have to read this because I am a huge fan of those films and the actors that were part of The Brat Pack.
#YouCouldntIgnoreMeIfYouTried #SusannahGora #TheBratPack #JohnHuges #the80s #book #ebook #kindle
Jumping back to a nature book. Have to read this because just love these creatures. Written as a companion to the National Geographic series. Also her other book The Soul of an Octopus was amazing. Go give this a read.
#SecretsoftheOctopus #SyMontgomery #NarionalGeographic #octopus #nature #oceanlife #book #ebook #kindle
This book is great. It‘s just as you expect from a stand alone Guardians of the Galaxy story featuring Rocket Raccoon and Groot. Reads fast and just keeps the action going. Plus written by Dan Abnett who has written some warhammer books as well.
#Marvel #GuardiansoftheGalaxy #RocketRaccoon #Groot #StealtheGalaxy #DanAbnett #book #ebook #kindle
Peter Pan meets Pirates of the Caribbean in A Land of Never After, but this children‘s tale has been reimagined for adult lovers of all things dark and deadly, with an LGBTQ+ positive twist.
Can‘t put this one down. It‘s quite good and reads fast. Yet to see the darker adult themes but if they play into the book as well as it is so far I will still enjoy this. Series looks good too.
#ALandofNeverAfter #RLDavennor #PeterPan #book #ebook #kindle
My physical copies of The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings pocket editions arrived. These are awesome.
#TheHobbit #LordoftheRings #lotr #physicalcopy #book #pocketbooks #leather #collection
I‘m enjoying this book so far more than I thought I would.
Follows 4 young adults that dream of the same gate and the hand that beckons them to the golden light. They gain powers of healing, warfare, seduction and mind control. This catches the churches eye, which their military force has the goal of executing anyone labeled a heretic.
#Illborn #DanielTJackson #book #ebook #kindle
Anyone read this? I ask because I have no idea what I‘m actually reading here. It‘s just one huge run on sentence of a stream of consciousness that goes on for 1000ish pages. I actually do not hate it. Im actually am really getting engrossed in it.
#DucksNewberyport #LucyEllmann #book #ebook #kindle
Been seeing lots of things for this book lately. Figured I should give it a try since I was looking for a new read. It‘s daunting at the size of it and how long it is, but I‘m enjoying it so far.
#1Q84 #HarukiMurakami #book #ebook #kindle
My signed copy arrived. This is awesome. Book is great. Already read it on kindle but could not pass up a signed physical copy.
#BeckyLynch #TheMan #NotYourAverageAverageGirl #RebeccaQuinn #singnedcopy #premiercollectibles
Had to stop my journey through Oz to read this. It just released today and being a huge Becky Lynch fan, needed to jump on this. Already tearing through it. It‘s just so good. Oh and my physical signed copy should here here ina week or so.
#BeckyLynch #TheMan #NotYourAverageAverageGirl #RebeccaQuin #wrestling #memoir #autobiography #ebook #kindle
Browsing my local Barnes and Noble, I stumbled upon a game book for an Oz tabletop RPG. It is amazing. I had to find out more about Oz. Having only known the Wizard of Oz and its sequel Return to Oz, I did not know too much about Oz. But now I have the complete collection here on my kindle and will journey into the land of Oz posthaste. Wish me luck.
#Oz #completecollection #LFrankBaum #ebook #kindle
Fourth time attempting to read this and this time is the charm. I am finally engrossed in it at 100 pages in on kindle(not sure what this equates to in paper pages). Probably enjoying this more because I‘ve been reading a bunch of McCammon‘s Matthew Corbett series this year and I like the historical part of it, but this blends that with magic.
#JonathanStrangeandMrNorrell #SusannaClarke #ebook #kindle
Getting back to reading more of the expanded universe of Star Wars. Using https://www.yodasdatapad.com/booklist.html as my timeline for all the books.
#StarWars #TheOldRepublic #Revan #DrewKarpyshyn
This game just released and it fits my mood of what I‘ve been reading lately. It‘s about Banishers( ghost hunters), Antea Duarte and Red mac Raith investigating New Eden. This is a historical supernatural type setting and it is reminiscent of McCammon‘s historical setting for the Matthew Corbett series. Perfect game for my reading mood.
Catching up my Power Rangers conics. Just downloaded a bunch more to my iPad. Once a fan always a fan. These comics are amazing
#MightyMorphinPowerRangers #mmpr #comics #boomstudios #comixology #kindle #ipad
After 100 or so pages of Swan Song I bailed. Not because I didn‘t like it, the writing was good, although it was hard for me to keep my interest with it. I had to go back to my first love of McCammon and continue with book two of the Matthew Corbett series. These books hook you from the first sentence.
#TheQueenofBedlam #RobertMcCammon #MatthewCorbett #ebook #kindle
Just finished Boy‘s life and all I can say is wow. The end has me crying after the last sentence. But we move on and I‘m on my third McCammon book within a month. Just love his writing and this should be just as good.
#SwanSong #RobertMcCammon #ebook #kindle
Having finished Speaks The Nightbird, jumping right in to another McCammon read. Boy‘s Life. This is a coming of age story with a fantastic mystery plot. It is haunting, tragic, magical and uplifting. Definitely get those King coming of age vibes reminiscent of The Talisman and Fairy Tale. McCammon is becoming my favorite author. A must read.
#BoysLife #RobertMcCammon #ebook #kindle
Historical fiction set in 1699 in the Carolina colonies with mystery and a witch, but something even more darker haunting the town of Fount Royal. The writing is excellent. It reads fast. Keeps your interest. Can‘t put this down. Glad I learned about this from Mike‘s Book Reviews on YouTube. My first read of 2024. Can see a ton more McCammon in my future.
#SpeaksTheNightbird #RobertMcCammon #MatthewCorbett #ebook #kindle #firstreadof2024
Found this series on a whim on a Facebook post. They are short novellas, each one like an episode of a tv series. Each set of 5 like a season of said show. You can easily read these in one sitting, these read fast and are interesting. Starts off with a crippled girl becoming a dragon rider. Will she make it? Read it to find out.
#dragonschool #firstflight #novelas #series #ebook #kindle
Finally really giving this a go. Started to read this a few times before but never managed to get that far, I was always put off my the sheer size of how long the series is, but this time feels like the right time to read it. And I‘m getting farther in than I have in previous attempts. So this is promising.
#TheCompleteWheelofTime #RobertJordan #BrandonSanderson #book #ebook #kindle
Just finished this and I loved every second of it. I always liked Henry Winkler but reading this gave me a deeper appreciation for him. His acting, his struggles and the highs and lows of his career. What a great man and a great read.
#BeingHenry #TheFonzandBeyond #HenryWinkler #book #ebook #kindle
This is so interesting to read about trees and how they exist, their feelings, their way of communicating. It‘s just so fascinating. Any science book about trees/plants and I‘m hooked.
#TheHiddenLifeofTrees #PeterWohlleben #ebook #kindle
Bought a new kindle basic in denim blue for half the price on unclaimed baggage. This is my 4th kindle I own. I see why people love the basic. Reading my favorite author Ben Galley‘s Emaneska series. I highly recommend this for all you fantasy lovers out there.
#TheEmaneskaSeries #BenGalley #favauthor #ebook #kindle #kindlebasic
Had to buy another physical copy of this book because I lost my copy. How does one even loose a book this big? And no I didn‘t lend it out or leave it somewhere. Did it just sprout legs and walk away? Also this is one of my all time favorite book series.
#TheGreatBookofAmber #TheChroniclesofAmber #RogerZelazny #favotitebookseries
Just released today. Very excited for this one. I am a huge Richard Kadrey fan. Loved his Sandman Slim series. So this should be good with him being a co author.
#TheDeadTakeTheATrain #CassandraKhaw #RichardKadrey #book #newrelease #ebook #kindle
Excited to be reading this. Last Scalzi book I read was The Kaiju Preservation Society and this does not disappoint. Love his quick witted style of writing with the way it makes for a fast paced reading experience. Give this a read.
#StarterVillain #JohnScalzi #book #ebook #kindle
Going to be doing some rereading and mostly try and finish the Discworld series. Going to start with Guards Guards as recommended from a YT channel I follow. Reading the series now in a more mini series by series of the full series based on this chart, if that makes sense.
#Discworld #TerryPratchett
Picked this up while visiting friends in PA at this amazing game shop. Can not wait to start designing campaigns in the Power Rangers universe and playing with friends.
#PowerRangers #powerrangersroleplayinggame #corerulebook
This series was featured in a bargain books email I get and on a whim decided to check this out. I will say damn, I don‘t know what hooked me but I can not put this down. A combination of sci-fi and traditional fantasy. Love the writing. Just the way he weaves backstory into the plot. Am glad I decided to give this a go. Will be reading the rest of the series.
#LeagueofElder #SygillisofMetatron #RenGarcia #book #ebook #kindle
“A charming, witty and compulsively readable exploration of friendship, reckoning, and hope that traces a widow's unlikely connection with a giant Pacific octopus”
Saw this randomly at my Barnes and Noble and just knew I had to read this.
#RemarkablyBrightCreatures #ShelbyVanPelt #book #ebook #kindle
Just arrived in the mail. A signed and inked copy of Gravenfrost. This thing is sweet. Even sweeter is I know the author personally. Gotta support local authors.
#Gravenfrost #PeterHammarberg #book #signed #inked
Having watched the show and now having just read the first book in the Will Trent series all I can say is I‘m hooked on both. Glad I gave this a shot because it‘s so good.
#Triptych #KarinSlaughter #WillTrent #series #ebook #kindle
Randomly found the animated show this book is based off of and liked the first episode a lot. Then found out it‘s a book series and jumped on it. It‘s geared for younger children but anyone who like fantasy style books will love this. It‘s a really good. The animated show is on an app called Angel Studios.
#TheWingfeatherSaga #OnTheEdgeOfTheSeaOfDarkness #AndrewPeterson #book1 #ebook #kindle
This book gets so much praise and I figured it was high time for me to finally read it since I‘ve been skeptical all these years because it‘s definitely not one of my go to genres. I must say though it has hooked me and I‘m 60 pages in and don‘t want to put it down.
#ThePillarsoftheEarth #KenFollett #ebook #kindle