I just started this book, but I'm curious to see what it's about. I haven't seen the film yet, so here goes nothing! #crimsonpeak #tomhiddleston #movienovelization #2019readingchallenge
I just started this book, but I'm curious to see what it's about. I haven't seen the film yet, so here goes nothing! #crimsonpeak #tomhiddleston #movienovelization #2019readingchallenge
#TheArtOfDarkness for #breakfast 💀🤓 It‘s actually a superinteresting #read about the making of #CrimsonPeak and the way Guillermo Del Toro pays obsessive attention to #detail 😍 #mustread for all #nerds 💜
#sundaymorning #coffeeandbooks #artbooks #ghoticstyle #horrorart #guillermodeltoro #coffeeholick #bookphotography #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #geekstagram #booknerd #booklover #bokstagram #kaffe #bokelsker #bibliophile