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The summer of 8th grade, I read 82 books and have never been as proud as when I handed my detailed notebook full of lists and reviews to my teacher. Chasing that high and it's matching wave of nostalgia every so often, I reread books from that list to see if they've stood up to time. The Singer of All Songs was a horrible, horrible experience but I'm wondering if anyone is interested in a #DearAmericaItsMe reading week, marathon, or something?

vkois88 I LOVED that series. I had to use some major willpower not to get the stack in the bookstore the other day... it would be fun and interesting to go back through them to see if they still hold up. Hmmmm maybe after pay day 6y
theresidentromantic @vkois88 I know! I felt justified in owning the ones that have stayed with me, that I still know parts of. After this, I'll probably get them from the library 6y
CaliforniaCay I was obsessed with this series when I was a kid! Sad they're kinda hard to find these days. But I recently found Standing in the Light at a used bookstore and I'm so happy to have it as a part of my collection now because it was my all time favorite. 6y
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