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Joined March 2017

Former Bookseller. Current Proofreader. Ravenclaw. Maji of air. House Stark. Lover of books and all things nerdy. #litsylove 💌
Mexican Gothic | Silvia Moreno-Garcia
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I admit it took me several months to get through this. But only because I designated it as my book to read while I on my lunchbreak at work from the office once a week, not because it was boring. Not scary per se, definitely some gory scenes, and the vivid nightmares and hallucinations throughout were creepy. Overall an entertaining book and I liked it enough to read more by this author. I think this would make an excellent tv/movie adaption 👻

Pogue She has such a wide variety of books. She is one of my auto buy authors. 1d
CaliforniaCay @Pogue I didn't realize she had so many other books! I just stacked a few more 🤓 10h
Pogue @CaliforniaCay Gods of Jade and Shadow was a fun romp and I learned a bit of Mexican lore. 5h
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This wasn't as good as I thought it would be but definitely original and the more I read the more depth I saw and found myself drawn into the story. I love that we see the story not just from Alejandra's perspective, but her ancestor's, her therapist's, and even the creature who haunts Alejandra. This book is about generational trauma, mental health, forming an identity outside of our family, and so much more. Paired with a colorful puzzle🎧 🧩

TheKidUpstairs The puzzle is gorgeous! 3d
BennettBookworm Stunning puzzle 3d
LiteraryinLawrence Beautiful! Though I‘m always wary of puzzles that aren‘t square/rectangular. 3d
CaliforniaCay @LiteraryinLawrence I was wary at first too! But since it's all color coordinated that made it a bit easier. I'm currently working one one in the shape of a man's head and I've been stuck on it for over a month. I'd like to go back to regular shapes after this 🤪 3d
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This is one of those books I think is I better listening to because of Whoopi's unique voice. I know Whoopi from some of her movies but never knew anything about her personal life. This was very insightful, not just because of her musings on her memories of her mother and brother but because of her perspective on life and death after losing them both. Good for Whoopi fans and for people grieving the loss of a loved one 🎧

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Puzzles | Brian Wildsmith
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Thanks so much for the surprise goodies @catiewithac
You have spoiled me and enabled my puzzle addiction! I'm especially looking forward to the bookish one 🥰 I will write you a marathon letter eventually 😅

AmyG The book one looks fun! 1w
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Another romance! I didn't love this one as much as Dani Brown but it was a solid 4 star read. Mickey is unhappy at her university job so she starts working at a bar for extra money. The owner of the bar, Diego, is unhappy and widowed until he meets Mickey who shakes things up in his life in unexpected ways. Their banter and the 🌶 scenes weren't my favorite but it was overall a very cute read, would recommend 💜🧡

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I keep surprising myself by reading and enjoying romance. I loved this 2nd installment even more than the 1st (Chloe Brown). I love that Dani is big, bi, and a bit witchy. I love how confident she is, and I love her rapport with Zaf. Zaf was such a good male lead, a lovable grump with a soft side. His character reminded me so much of Roy Kent, I hope there's an adaption one day so that Brett Goldstein can play him 🥰

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Not the kind of thing I'd recommend to everyone, but if you're considering "putting yourself out there" and feeling unsure, this book can serve as a nice little pep talk from an expert that could help ease your mind and know what to expect. I was already thinking about dating again for the first time in 4 years when I started this. It made me feel better about that decision and now I'm happily dating and feeling better about it than ever before ?

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This book started out promising but overall fell flat for me. She spent not enough time talking about the interesting places she went to and way too much time blowing really small stories out of proportion. Like how she clogged a toilet in New York, how her husband threw a tantrum because he was asked to check his luggage and decided not to go to Paris, and how she peed all over a bathroom in Spain because she was overcharged for tapas 🙄

RamsFan1963 Ugh! Sounds like the very definition of Ugly American 2mo
rockpools Thanks for the warning! 2mo
tpixie She and her husband sound very rude and petty. Who would she think we want to read about that abhorrent behavior!! 2mo
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Selected Poems | Robert Frost
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This may be an unpopular opinion, but I did not care for these poems. I remember liking his famous "The Road Not Taken" when I had to read it in school, but that was the only Robert Frost poem I knew until reading this collection. Aside from one or two, I found these poems very dry and boring, and I couldn't connect to anything in them. Just not my cup of tea.

TheBookHippie lol!!!! Finally someone else!!! I don‘t like his poetry AT ALL! 😅 2mo
CaliforniaCay @TheBookHippie I'm so glad it's not just me! 😅 2mo
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An American Immigrant: A Novel | Johanna Rojas Vann
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Based off of the author's real life, this fictional story of a woman stuck in a journalism career in the states, traveling to her mother's homeland of Colombia was a good one start to finish! She gains insights into her mother, her family, her culture, her career, and herself. I love that the story was partly told through her mother's old diary entries. Mostly in English with lots of Spanish throughout, I'm counting this as my 11th #spanishbook 🎧

UwannaPublishme This sounds really good P.S. Just read your awesome letter. 🤗💌 I‘ll be responding soon. Sending hugs to you! 2mo
CaliforniaCay @UwannaPublishme I'm glad you got it! Take your time responding to me, I certainly took my time responding to you! 😆 2mo
UwannaPublishme 😁😁😁 That‘s what‘s great about #LitsyLove. No deadlines! 2mo
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This was beautiful, deep, sad, harsh, and inspiring. I related to some of it as a brown girl with sharp edges and a tender heart 💔 but I read most of this as an outsider looking in to the author's unique experience as a Nicaraguan American woman. Some parts focused on her time in academia, some on her relationships with her family and others, all of it eye opening and deeply personal. Mostly in English but lots of Spanish throughout💙 🇳🇮💙

CaliforniaCay Forgot to tag this as my 10th #spanishbook 2mo
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Everyone should read this book! We could all stand to learn more about friendships, the different kinds that exist, how to make them, maintain them, and the value of them. This was very well written, included a lot of real world examples and was thoroughly researched. I didn't know anything about the author going into it but learning that it was written by a black woman was the cherry on top 💜

Librarybelle Stacking! 3mo
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After 15 years of living in Sacramento I've been noticing lately that I have a love/hate relationship with my city. I've lived here longer than any where else. I have a lot of memories here, but I don't see myself putting down roots, or growing old here. Reading this book was eye opening and inspiring. A mix of personal anecdotes and research, the author gives lots of examples of how one can actively learn to love where they live.

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The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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I'm behind on reviews so time to catch up! It was the sheer amount of positive reviews on here that convinced me to take a chance with this, and I'm glad I did! Romance is not my fave genre, but after reading Get a Life Chloe Brown last year, I'm trying to branch out and read a bit more, especially the ones written by black authors with black characters. I loved how relatable the characters were and that the steamy scenes weren't over the top 🎧

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Sounds good 💛💜 3mo
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People Person | Candice Carty-Williams
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This wasn't something I'd normally read but I'm glad I did. I loved Queenie so much that I chose this shortly after because it was written by the same author. When Dimple finds herself in a sticky situation, she calls her half sister for help, who then calls their other half siblings, and craziness follows that fateful night. For a book with such a dark beginning it had a surprisingly happy ending. Would recommend audio over print 🧩🎧

UwannaPublishme Just saw this—cool puzzle! 😍 2mo
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Queenie | Candice Carty-Williams
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I loved Queenie way more than I was expecting to. It had been on my radar for years mostly because the cover 🤩 but also because people seem to love or hate it. It was more sad than funny, but humourous at times. Queenie makes some bad decisions that put her in some bad circumstances, but ultimately I felt for her. I could relate to some of the trauma she experienced and some of the ways she acted out in response. I was hooked start to finish 🎧🧩

Leftcoastzen Lovely puzzle! 5mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I loved this one ❤️ 5mo
Gissy I loved that book❤️That puzzle😍👌 5mo
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I mostly hated this. I loved Rooney's other 2 books but this one did not sit well with me. Mostly centered around an affair between a handsome actor and a young college girl. I was mildly intrigued by one character's struggle with endometriosis but it was such a disappointingly small part of the story. It's a so-so because it still illicted a strong reaction out of me, even though it was a negative one, so I'm still a fan of her writing 😆

Reggie I liked this because it made me think of all my bad choices in my 20s. lol, and that last line is very-the heart wants what the heart wants!!! Great review! 5mo
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Thanks to @britt_brooke for your review that convinced me to give this book a try. I'm so glad I did because even though the main character is an immature, self-involved, "garbage tornado" and an unreliable narrator, the messes she kept getting into and her cynical, dramatic, bleak observations about her life as a 20 something divorcee trying to get her ? together was absolutely hilarious ??

britt_brooke Excellent review! So happy you enjoyed! 5mo
Gissy 😍👌 5mo
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This book didn't focus on stories about women who were happy to be childfree by choice (like me) but it did contain a lot of stories about women all along the spectrum of not having children. Some by choice, some by chance, some happy about their situation, some unhappy. I was shocked by some of the anecdotes in here, even entertained by some of them. Overall, it was a very informative read with a good mix of situations represented 🎧🧩

catiewithac I LOVE that puzzle 😍 6mo
Librarybelle I liked this one too. 6mo
IMASLOWREADER ohhhh adding to my list… 6mo
CaliforniaCay @catiewithac cool right? I finally get why you love audiopuzzling so much! I have a nice little collection I'm building, already planning on exchanging for some new ones. I'm obsessed 😍 5mo
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This was exactly what I needed. I'm a night owl who works 12:30pm-9:30pm the majority of the year. But I'm trying to change my ways and become more of a morning person to take advantage of those extra hours in the a.m. This book contains several interviews with different successful people about their routines. The gist is, what works for some doesn't work for all, but find a routine that works for you and be consistent. Very inspiring 🎧🧩

Let's Talk Spanish | Tracy Van Bishop
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#spanishbook #9 - This was a Christmas gift from a coworker. Not the kinda thing I'd pick for myself at my current level of spanish (your girl just enrolled in an online advanced spanish conversation lab 🤓) because it's a very basic guidebook for beginners. But it was fun, and I did highlight some new words here and there. And I love adding reference books to my little collection 🥰

FlowerFairy I‘m trying to learn Spanish as well! Key word here is “trying”. LoL Never seem to have enough time to work on it for an extended period. Going to have a look at the books in your photo. 6mo
CaliforniaCay @FlowerFairy have you ever tried using DuoLingo? I talked about wanting to learn spanish for years but didn't take it seriously until 2020 when I started using DuoLingo. Sometimes for just 5 minutes a day. But I kept doing that for a year before my curiosity took over and I started immersing myself and learning in other ways. Gotta start somewhere 🤓 6mo
Cheshirecat913 Awesome!! I've been, I guess you could say, an intermediate beginner for years for learning Spanish. Just haven't managed to bring myself to try more fully. 🙃 Good luck with your journey!! 6mo
CaliforniaCay @Cheshirecat913 I feel like I've been stuck in this intermediate beginner stage for a while but I'm determined to step up my progress this year. I hope you find some good Spanish books to help you progress, and I wish you luck on your journey as well! 6mo
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First book of the new year 🎉 Too bad it wasn't a hit 😕 I wanted to like this sooo much more than I did. She briefly mentions some of her travels but the focus is more on her relationship woes and dreams of being a writer. This reads like a worshipper of Bourdain, Gilbert, and Strayed who traveled just so she could write about her experiences, but she didn't say much about what those experiences were. I was a wee but inspired, so not all bad ✈️

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This was a good, inspiring book to get me into a decluttering mindset. The author blogged about her 1 year shopping ban, but left out a lot of the personal turmoil. She includes all of the messy bits in this book. She examines not just her habits but triggers for overspending as well binge eating, binge drinking, and binge tv watching. I love stories like this, flaws and all, where people choose to challenge themselves by becoming more mindful 💚

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I was expecting this to be a bit dry but it was surprisingly funny and engaging. I will need a physical copy at some point because I can see myself reading it over and over everytime I start to learn a new language (I'm a wannabe polyglot) but listening to it did have some advantages because he gives very specific pronunciation examples. Chock full of resources and language learning advice as well as his own experience and specific study methods.

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After the last book I read, I was in the mood for a real Sally Rooney book and this one hit the spot. I know she's not everyone's cup of tea, but since I really liked Normal People, I really liked this one. It was similar, but with more characters and a little bit more depth in the form of deep, introspective emails between the 2 girls, I liked this one more. They're not the most likeable characters but I find their interactions entertaining.

Sparklemn Looks like a fun puzzle! 7mo
CaliforniaCay @Sparklemn it really was! I just recently started audiopuzzling and it has made a HUGE difference in the amount of books I'm going through 😍 📚 6mo
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Who We Are Now | Lauryn Chamberlain
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I needed a break after reading so much nonfiction and poetry, so decided to choose a random fiction to listen to as I audiopuzzled. The description of this one reminded me of Normal People, in the sense that it followed a group of friends over the years and examines how a series of small decisions make long lasting effects on their lives as their friendships/relationships develop. Nothing too deep here, but entertaining enough.

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This was such a refreshing perspective on the minimalist movement! It was great to hear her personal story, and how she tried different things that didn't work before going about it in her own way. Encouraging authenticity over aesthetics, I loved her gentle approach to the movement. She also I includes her own 'guiding lights' instead of strict rules, and excerpts from other afrominis.
?"I am not a grown woman, I'm a GROWING woman"?

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Great idea for a collection of poems and stories about the night, but a disappointing execution. This read like a project compiled by a college student who, well, burnt the midnight oil, pulled an all nighter and haphazardly tossed a bunch of things together. Some of the stories and poems were ok and on theme, but a lot of them seemed random, nothing to do with the night and overall a boring selection. But glad to finally get this off my shelves🌛

Love Poems | Pablo Neruda
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#spanishbook #8- 2024 will be my 4th consecutive year of immersing myself on the way to fluency, and I've built up a nice little collection of libros en español. One of my reading goals for the new year is to read more of them!
"Ríete de este torpe
muchacho que te quiere,
pero cuando yo abro
los ojos y los cierro,
cuando mis pasos van,
cuando vuelven mis pasos,
niégame el pan, el aire,
la luz, la primavera,
pero tu risa nunca
porque me moriría"

ElizaMarie I absolutely love this author. I have a couple of his books, where it has Spanish one side and English on the other side. It really helps. :) Love your goal for 2024! 7mo
CaliforniaCay @ElizaMarie That's how this one is! Yeah having the English and Spanish side by side is super helpful. I don't need to look up every word I'm not familiar with and it goes my so much faster 😏 7mo
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"Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see.
I say,
It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me."

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 7mo
kspenmoll 💜💙💚 7mo
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The Weary Blues | Langston Hughes
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I've been on a poetry kick this month. So glad I picked up this little collection on my DC trip. I remember reading maybe 1 or 2 Langston Hughed poems in school, but I didn't know too much about him. I was happy to read that he was quite the nomad, living in several different states and countries. I also didn't realize he had written so much, and I hope to read his novel, autobiography, and plays one day too 🖤💙🖤💙

CoffeeNBooks I love Langston Hughes, and include some of his poetry in my English classes. (Also, I just sent you a #LitsyLove letter 💌) 7mo
kspenmoll His poetry is wonderful 7mo
CaliforniaCay @CoffeeNBooks So glad to hear you're introducing your students to Hughes 💙 and yay! I'll keep my eye out for your letter 👀 7mo
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Comfort Book | Matt Haig
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This isn't what I was expecting, and it started out as a so-so, but ended up being a pick because I did indeed find it comforting. With a mix of quotes, song titles, recipes, and other random tidbits, this would be a good book for anyone who needs a reminder that life isn't all bad all the time 😇

Survival of the Thickest | Michelle Buteau
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I only knew Michelle as a funny side character from a few things until I stumbled upon her netflix show loosely based off this book. I LOVED seeing her thrive as a main character!!! She's hilarious on and off the screen. Next I watched her in first wives club, then I listened to the audiobook. Most parts were hilarious but she got real and sad when talking about her infertility struggles. Love her energy and personality, hope to see more from her.

Mimi28 I have always loved her and been cheering for her. I especially like her name, lol. I‘m going to have to check this out. Thanks for the review 👍🏽 7mo
CaliforniaCay @Mimi28 I hope you like it as much as I did 🤗 7mo
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Lauren Graham's books may not be the deepest autobios, but nice little snapshots into her life that any fan of hers would enjoy. My favorite chapters were "But I played one on TV" where she talks about how her life has been scrutinized for how 'motherhood' has or hasn't played a role in her reality. Also "Forever 32" because I'm currently 32 and loved hearing about how her perspective has changed since she was that age.

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Quietly Hostile | Samantha Irby
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This wasn't my favorite Irby book but it still made me laugh a lot and I will always love listening to her stories. Lots of potty humor so I wouldn't recommend to anyone sensitive to in depth descriptions about bodily fluids. But if you're familiar with her other work, you already know 😅💩

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Wildsam Field Guides: Washington D.C. | Edited By Taylor Bruce
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This cute little guidebook was jam-packed with so much more than just your typical must sees. It included off the beaten path recs like the abandoned capitol stones, interviews with notable people from DC (Jason Reynolds), short stories written about DC, playlists inspired by DC, and other fun excerpts. I made note of a bunch of things I wanna see and do when I visit again, and I'll be on the lookout for more wildsam field guides for other cities.

ShelleyBooksie Beautiful pic 7mo
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I wish this existed when I was younger, but I found some inspiring words to highlight and keep me motivated. I'm sure we can all think of famous books that teach people how to be smarter with their money. But how many can you think of written by a black woman? The author, who is hard working and Harvard educated, breaks down the basics in this helpful guide. It's more geared toward students but I found it encouraging and it's nice to be seen 🖤

Smrloomis I‘m also reading Tiffany Aliche … haven‘t finished yet but you might check her out if you haven‘t already? 7mo
CaliforniaCay @Smrloomis this wasn't on my radar at all, thanks for the recommendation. Stacked! 7mo
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Another audiobook that reflects my current mindset and that exceeded my expectations. Jessica, like me, is an introvert looking to shake things up and meet people. Despite being happily married, she's shy and struggled to make friends as an adult. She challenged herself in ways I would never dream up (improv classes) but inspired me none the less. Lots of LoL moments, and relateable awkwardness. Would recommend for fans of Shonda's Year of Yes.

AmyG Hahahahaha….I never want to go. 7mo
dabbe Amen! 💙❄️💙 7mo
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I can't believe Sonia Sanchez has had poetry out since the 60's and I've never heard of her before ? I loved this collection and hope to read all of her other collections too.
"...I cried. For myself. For this woman talkin' about love. For all the women who have ever stretched their bodies out anticipating civilization and finding ruins"
-?Sonia Sanchez?

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Golden Ax | Rio Cortez
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One of the books I found on my DC trip. The bookshop owner kept shouting "Check out the poetry section. It's the best selection in the country!" So I made sure to browse that section the longest. It was impressive. I knew I wanted something by someone I'd never heard of, preferably a woman of color, with a cool cover, and this fit the bill. Cortez writes of Afrofrontierism, Afropioneerism, and her own ancestors in this amazing debut collection.

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This exceeded my expectations with not only funny, personal anecdotes but helpful advice, interviews with experts, and insight from real couples. It's all about "navigating romantic relationships when you have anxiety, OCD, and/or depression" and is exactly what I needed as I'm considering maybe possibly giving the whole dating thing a try sometime in the foreseeable future ? I highly recommend to other anxious overthinkers considering the same.

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This wasn't quite what I was expecting, but I did enjoy it. I've been listening to a lot of audiobooks lately that reflect my current state of mind since I've been trying new things and exploring, mostly by myself. This book was more anecdotes about the author's atypical friendship experiences than it was advice. But it was chock full of pop culture references and quotes from some of my fave shows and had an overall positive, encouraging message.

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If I had read the print version I would have thought this was kinda meh. But I'm glad I listened to the audio because his music was used throughout, and I loooooved hearing his sexy voice in my ear ??? Good for fellow fans of Russ. Yeah he's a bit cocky but you can't deny that his positive attitude is what lead to his success. He signs off with "Thanks for listening, now get the fuck off your ass and go do some shit". Motivating as hell ?

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Who Fears Death | Nnedi Okorafor
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I didn't love this as much as I thought I would, but I did really like it, and it was entertaining. I feel like it could have been a bit shorter, and most of the side characters seemed unnecessary and underdeveloped. But I will read anything and everything written by Okorafor and no matter what, it's always refreshing to read a sci-fi/fantasy book with black characters that makes me feel like I'm in Wakanda 🖤🤎🖤🤎🖤

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"We often find ourselves wishing for more hours in the day, but that wouldn't help anything. The problem, clearly, isn't that we have a shortage of time. It's more that we have an overload of everything else."
-Matt Haig

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In a perfect world, men would read this and be convinced of how and why they should ejaculate responsibly, resulting in fewer unwanted pregnancies and shifting the conversation about abortion away from blaming and legislating women alone. Alas, we don't live in a perfect world 😕 with its bold font, in your face statements, and startling statistics, I enjoyed this book. I hope one day it will be read far and wide and maybe change some minds.

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How to Focus | Thich Nhat Hanh
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Added another 'How To' book to my Thich Nhat Hanh collection. As always, this one was a good, bit sized, easy to digest book on mindfulness that I would recommend to anyone interested in slowing down and living a more mindful life. Not pictured are my two favorites from the series 'How to Fight' and 'How to Love' that I immediately gifted to other people who I thought would enjoy them 🤗

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I enjoyed this much more than a similar book I listened to recently called "Unfuck your habit". This one was gentler, more inclusive of different situations, and had better tips and advice that changed my mind about the way I view myself and and my cleaning ?
"Do a little. Do it badly. Do it incompletely. Do it kinda/sorta. Do it for 5 minutes. An excellent life is made up of a lot of littles. Who has the time for perfection anyways?" -KC Davis

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I enjoyed this little book. I found a lot to highlight and can see myself reading it many more times as I continue on my yoga journey. I started practicing as a pandemic hobby in 2020 and have continued to practice damn near every day since. There's an entry to read for each day of the year, but I read it at my own pace. This would make a great gift for any practicing yogi or anyone interested in yoga 🧘🏿‍♀️

Amiable Love this book! I start it right over again on Jan. 1 every year. I think this is my 4th time through it. 8mo
CaliforniaCay @Amiable I love that! It definitely seems like the kind of book that never gets old 😃 8mo
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Hey Littens! I haven't been very active on here lately because I've been busy going out/exploring/socializing/ getting out of my bubble. Happy to say I've also been busy reading! Lots of posts to catch up on, starting with the tagged book. Picture of me from my most recent trip to Lake Tahoe.
"To love ourselves and support each other in the process of becoming real is perhaps the greatest single act of daring greatly." - Brené Brown

catiewithac 🌞⛰️📚 8mo
marleed Brene is a great teacher. She‘s m a better person for having read her. 8mo
ju.ca.no 🩷🩷🩷 8mo
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great pic and happy to see you on Litsy ❤️❤️❤️ 8mo
CaliforniaCay @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I never stay away for too long 😉💜💜💜 8mo
Reggie Great pic! Keep bursting that bubble! 8mo
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