Hoping to finish this one tonight or tomorrow. #DrWhosday
Being a lifelong Whovian, I've always wondered how Tom Baker's idea for a film called Doctor Who Meets Scratchman would have turned out. Now I'll get to see, sort of, as the script he cowrote with Ian Marter (aka Harry Sullivan) has been adapted as a novel. And even better, Tom Baker is reading the audiobook! #DrWhosday
This weekend we finished our re-watch of series 10 with Twice Upon A Time. And with series 11 debuting on Sunday, this is the last #DrWhosday of the Moffat/Capaldi era. Bring on Jodie Whittaker!
I don‘t normally go from one Doctor Who book straight into another one, but my recent rash of Sixth Doctor audios got me wanting to read a novel featuring that incarnation. This one is written by Who legend Terrance Dicks and was rereleased for the show‘s 50th anniversary. #DrWhosday
Re-watched this episode on Saturday and it was much better than I remembered. "Meglos" was actually my very first Who way back in 1983 or so, and it started a lifelong love of the show. Haven't read the novelization, it's just here for tagging purposes. #DrWhosday