June‘s portrait of #EdgarAllanPoe up close! She does fantastic work! If you ever want a portrait, I can get you in toouuch. 😎 #DramaticReading
June‘s portrait of #EdgarAllanPoe up close! She does fantastic work! If you ever want a portrait, I can get you in toouuch. 😎 #DramaticReading
This is my new friend David and his creation, Lenore. He was so inspired by “The Raven”, that he made this sculpture out of wood. The two books are facsimiles of “The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe” and Dickens‘ “Barnaby Rudge”, alleged inspiration for Poe because of the story‘s talking raven. Beautiful creation!
My good friend June and her wonderful husband! She lives in the town the #DramaticReading is performed in (Milford, PA, at Grey Towers). She‘s a fine oil painter with a gallery. She has painted many famous authors, and especially #EdgarAllanPoe, of whom she has done many, many portraits. One of them is in the first picture on the right. (Her husband plays 🎅🏻 every year!) She wants me to find “a good bookish lady” and bring her for a visit 😆🤗.
The toast to #EdgarAllanPoe at the end of tonight‘s #DramaticReading. Wow, this performance knocks my socks off! The toast follows a decades-long one-man tradition of a mysterious wide-brimmed hatted individual who would lay roses at Poe‘s grave and raise a toast of cognac to the author every year on Poe‘s birthday in the early morning hours, leaving the bottle behind. It stopped in 2010, and there‘s much speculation about why. 😳
My #AuthorPotpourri and Bookish question of the day posts didn‘t go through today, apparently 😧🙈😔! Let‘s hope this batch of posts does...
Last year was the first time I attended this particular #DramaticReading, and here I was again tonight 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻! A dramatic reading of some of #EdgarAllanPoe‘s works, like “The Tell-Tale Heart” and “The Raven”! In a 100+-year-old library 🤯!!! Went with book club folks, and we had a BLAST! 🥳