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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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Do not read this book if you struggle with depression or anxiety or similar mental health issues. It will not be a safe read for you. Against my better judgement, I picked this book up again after bailing on it 4 years ago. I made it page 750 this time before realizing that the reason I‘m struggling to get through the day and am feeling an overwhelming sense of despair is because I‘ve been reading this book. It‘s not that it‘s a hard book to read.

slategreyskies I don‘t mind the length or the structure of it or the stream of consciousness style. I enjoy all of that. What I mind is that the author‘s underlying point seems to be that tragedy is always just around the corner, that life is a meaningless barrage of anxiety & input that you have no control over & that, eventually you or someone you love or certainly someone else in the world will be a victim of trauma, & there‘s nothing you can do about it. 5d
slategreyskies It‘s not a hard book to read, but it does have a terrible message, a message that I don‘t think is accurate. I don‘t think it‘s a safe message to be spreading to your readers. Does this author really believe that life is meaningless & that there‘s no escaping tragedy? There were pages & pages that focused on rape, abuse, genocide, genital mutilation, school shootings, etc. & yes, those things exist in the world, & yes, they should be taught. ⬇️ 5d
slategreyskies But this book‘s format is not how you teach people. This book does not send a message of hope or of growth and progress and moving toward a better future together. It is instead relentless negativity and despair, and quite frankly, I hate this book and what the author is telling people about life today. I‘m so angry over it, over the irresponsibility of this author to write the book in this way. 5d
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slategreyskies Do not read this book unless you‘re really strong in your beliefs of the good in this world and are capable of filtering out negativity, because if you struggle with that, this book will rip your soul out and leave you struggling to make it through the day. It is THAT bad. This book doesn‘t get even one star. NO STARS this book. #DucksBuddyRead. 5d
slategreyskies @RaeLovesToRead I can‘t do anymore, Rae! But if you keep going with it, I‘ll keep reading your hate posts! 🤣 🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆 5d
Bookwomble I hope you can introduce some positive energy into the rest of your day 😌💖 5d
slategreyskies @Bookwomble thank you for that. The best choice I‘ve made so far today is bailing on this book and then deleting it from my Kindle library, so I can‘t pick it up again unless I repurchase it. Sending good vibes your way! ☮️✨ 5d
MicheleinPhilly I‘m feeling very justified in my decision to bail after 20 pages. 5d
RaeLovesToRead Well done for making the right decision for you. Delete it from your life and sweat out its poison. I actually don't find this book triggering in the same way that you did (despite having an extensive background of problems myself). I think this is because of the unconvincing narrative style / delivery and lack of emotional depth. I agree with you on the overall message of the book. I've not got much longer left with it now 🫂🫂 5d
Kitta Oof this is not for me then. 5d
dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 5d
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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There‘s a reason I‘m glad I can‘t read minds. I don‘t want to know what‘s going on in someone else‘s mind. Other people‘s inner monologues aren‘t interesting. They just aren‘t. This book is proving that over and over again for a thousand pages.

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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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In this excerpt, the main character claims they found a spit ball in her ear that had been stuck inside her ear for 35 years. To add to that, she claims they unraveled the spit ball, and it said “I ❤️ U” on it. I actually went back and reread, because I was sure that this must‘ve been another one of her dream sequences, but nope. This character actually claims she had a spit ball stuck in her ear for 35 years. WTF. 😳🤣 #DucksBuddyRead

slategreyskies I‘m trying really hard to stick with this book, but it‘s so incredibly bad. It‘s like the author made a game out of writing the worst book she could possibly write, laughing at her readers all the while she kept adding page after page after page of drivel. I don‘t remember any other book that I‘ve hated this much. 6d
Tamra Bail before you are angry with yourself for reading it. Been there done that with The Goldfinch & Gone Girl. 6d
slategreyskies @RaeLovesToRead Are you still reading this? Are you going to finish or bail? I‘m almost to page 700, but it‘s a slog. 6d
RaeLovesToRead I'm past the 700 mark and I SHALL FINISH WHAT I STARTED 5d
Kitta I find it hard to bail! But some books deserve it 😆 5d
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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There are two types of people in the world: those who are bored by the aurora borealis and those who aren‘t. Who‘s bored by that? How could anyone be bored by that? This woman makes no sense to me. #DucksBuddyRead

Clare-Dragonfly Are there those two types of people in the world? Are there REALLY? 5d
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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“the fact that I hate that I forget all my dreams” !!?? Did she honestly think that she could sneak that in and we wouldn‘t notice? We‘ve only read a hundred pages of dream sequences! Seriously. How many dreams does she think she has? 🤣 #DucksBuddyRead

Kristy_K You weren‘t kidding about how many times she says “the fact that…” There‘s so many on this page alone! 1w
slategreyskies @RaeLovesToRead I finally convinced my partner to let me read part of the book out loud to him. He told me that I had 2 minutes, & he timed me while I read out loud. At the end of the 2 minutes, he said that there were 19 “the fact thats”, & he said that the writing is disgracefully bad & that, when the author sent out the manuscript, it should‘ve been returned to her with a post-it note that said “try again when you‘ve learned how to write.”🤣 6d
RaeLovesToRead Ba ha haha. I remember her publisher actually wrote a salty open letter to the Booker people when Ducks didn't win. It was weird because they were really angry that TWO authors shared the prize because they thought Ducks should've won..... but what difference does it make how many winners there were.... Ducks wouldn't have won either way! 6d
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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Me: I feel kinda guilty about posting that salty video yesterday... maybe I was too harsh...

Ducks: "people will wear bikinis
people who really should think twice about it"



julesG Nope, you weren't too salty 1w
Andrea313 Oh, ABSOLUTELY NOT. 🤬 1w
RaeLovesToRead @julesG @Andrea313 I have half a mind to review this book in a series of ill-advised bikinis 💃💃💃💃 1w
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julesG 🤣🤣🤣 1w
Andrea313 @RaeLovesToRead I support it! 👏 1w
slategreyskies lol you crack me up! Just because: 👙👙👙🤣 1w
RaeLovesToRead @slategreyskies At least someone is getting enjoyment out of my suffering reading this book hahaha 1w
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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Hooked_on_books You are so hate reading at this point! “An email would have had a purpose!” 😂 You crack me up. 1w
RaeLovesToRead @Hooked_on_books Haha 😅 It's not terrible (I'll probably give it 3 stars), but it is NOT a fun reading experience. This book BADLY needs an editor. Clearly I just love suffering 🤣 1w
Hooked_on_books Several years ago I tackled Infinite Jest with a Litsy buddy read group, which is the only way I could‘ve gotten through it. I‘m proud that I finally read it, but I really didn‘t enjoy it, so I feel like I understand where you‘re at! 1w
RaeLovesToRead @Hooked_on_books Infinite Jest is on my list 😅😅 (see post below calling for assistance) I expect I will hate it. A friend recommended it, but it's the same friend who recommended House of Leaves so the trust isn't there 🤣 1w
slategreyskies Okay, I finally watched your video! Omg yes, it could‘ve been an email! 🤣 7d
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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@slategreyskies I made a logo!

If anyone is interested in buddy reading the following books over the next few years, I'll be looking for company in my masochism.

Crime & Punishment
Infinite Jest
S. (Ship of Theseus)
Other exhausting book-mountains!!!

Who says reading has to be fun??

Join me!

P.S. I am not reading House of Leaves again. The line has to be drawn somewhere.

RaeLovesToRead @Liz_M Thanks! 😅 I'm fully expecting it to be just me, hehe. May make a vlog for my YouTube 1w
BarbaraJean “Who says reading has to be fun?” 😂😂🤣 I‘d actually be interested in buddy-reading Crime & Punishment! I own a copy and previously tried and failed to get very far. A buddy read would be nice motivation to forge ahead! 1w
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Librarybelle I‘d be interested in Crime and Punishment and maybe Ulysses, though I‘m really debating that one. I‘m not sure I‘m quite ready to take on Ulysses yet, though may be willing in a buddy read format. 1w
RaeLovesToRead @BarbaraJean A couple of others (on the #ducksbuddyread) have expressed an interest in reading Crime and Punishment too... I was thinking of reading it later in the year, but dates are very flexible! @Leniverse @Caroline2 We can confer! 1w
RaeLovesToRead @Librarybelle There's been most interest in Crime and Punishment so far, but Ulysses is the one I really don't want to let defeat me! I read a few pages and was like What the Dickens is this!!!!!! 1w
Librarybelle @RaeLovesToRead I recently attended a webinar about Bloomsbury Day with some of the participants saying the best way to read Ulysses is with a group…it gives you enough reason to read it. I‘ve never attempted it! 1w
Leniverse I won't read Ulysses again. I need at least another decade to forget how much I disliked most of it. 😂 As for C&P, I prefer not to start challenging books late in the year, but I'll be ready and keen on 1. January (well, maybe the 2nd 😅) if that's soon enough for you. 1w
Caroline2 count me in for C&P 👍 1w
RaeLovesToRead @Librarybelle Well so far there are two of us... but we may be able to recruit for a #jamesjoyceathon 🤣🤣 @Caroline2 @Librarybelle @BarbaraJean would you like a new year 2025 C&P readathon, or would you rather start it in a few months? I'll be starting another huge tome after Ducks, but not decided which yet! 1w
AnneCecilie I could be interested in joining in on the reading of Ulysses and C&P, but it depends a little on when you plan on starting. 1w
RaeLovesToRead @AnneCecilie What are your preferences timings-wise? It will be more of a vague start month / no pressure or deadlines, readalong if you like kinda thing!! 1w
AnneCecilie I‘m down for low key, I was thinking more about having time to get hold of the book/ books and maybe @Leniverse is on to something with a start in the early new year. 1w
Librarybelle Starting C&P in early 2025 sounds good! 1w
RaeLovesToRead @Librarybelle @BarbaraJean @Leniverse @Caroline2 @AnneCecilie (have I tagged everyone) so let's provisionally say we'll aim to read Crime & Punishment in the New Year 2025 and once I've finished with Ducks, I'll see who wants to join me for Ulysses. We'll have the whole rest of the year to finish it 😐 If we even can. I only made it a few pages last time! 1w
Librarybelle Let me know about Ulysses - no rush to finish Ducks! - and I‘ll join you. We‘ll see how we do! 1w
BarbaraJean 🎉🎉 As far as timing, I‘m up for whatever works for others—starting in the New Year sounds great! 1w
Larkken I‘m interested in joining- that logo is too cute! 1w
RaeLovesToRead @Larkken I'll make a list of interested folk and message you when the next book is happening! 😊 You should see the failed attempts at creating a logo (fun with AI...) Many attempts were made!!! 1w
Kristy_K I might be interested in reading Crime & Punishment! It‘s been on my tbr and shelf forever. 1w
RaeLovesToRead @Kristy_K I will add you to the tag list!! 😊 1w
Cuilin @RaeLovesToRead depending on the timing and other buddy Reads I would definitely be interested in a buddy read of Ulysses and maybe Crime and Punishment. 1w
wanderinglynn I‘m interested in (finally) reading Ulysses & Crime and Punishment. They‘ve both been on my shelf for a long time. 1w
RaeLovesToRead @Cuilin @wanderinglynn It'll be a pleasure to have you both on board. At the moment I'm considering a September start for Ulysses, New Year for C&P, and maybe if you want some extra suffering before then see how many Albert Camus novels you can blast in the meantime? 🤣🤣 1w
slategreyskies This is so cool! I love the logo! It definitely made me laugh! After Ducks, I‘ll be working my way through The Eighth Life and also Kristin Lavransdatter. I‘m not interested in Crime and Punishment, but I could possibly join in on Ulysses or Infinite Jest. I‘ve been meaning to read both of those. Have you already done War and Peace? How about Anna Karenina? I was just looking at the unread chunksters I have on my shelves. lol 1w
RaeLovesToRead @slategreyskies I have done War & Peace, but not Anna Karennina yet... I also have The Eighth Life on my TBR. Ulysses probably gonna happen September ish! I will keep you all posted. (P.s. did you see my salty midway YouTube vid? Haha) 1w
slategreyskies Also, I‘ve so gotta check out your YouTube channel. I think you added a link on a post somewhere a while back, but I forgot to check it out. Definitely gotta remedy that! I‘ll give you some likes and a follow once I find you over there. 1w
RaeLovesToRead @slategreyskies There's a link on yesterday's Ducks-related post haha. I'll post another vid when I've finished 1w
Branwen I have been trying to read Infinite Jest for YEARS! I would happily join you in reading that together! 5d
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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Three pages of just listing types of sandwiches, desserts, cocktails, and artificial additives. Whyyyyy? 😩


RaeLovesToRead I KNOW RIGHT 1w
RaeLovesToRead But the lists are not as bad as HoL 1w
RaeLovesToRead And at least they aren't upside for NO REASON 1w
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Leniverse @RaeLovesToRead The lists were definitely not my favourite part of HoL. But I wouldn't mind a bit of upside down at this point. Might as well. Might relieve the monotony. 😆 1w
MicheleinPhilly *sits in the corner smiling smugly* Glad I got out as soon as I could! 1w
Leniverse @MicheleinPhilly 😂 Yes, you did the wise thing by taking one look and bailing. After 200 pages I feel invested. Trying not to think about how that leaves 800 pages to go 😵 1w
MicheleinPhilly If I had a physical copy I‘d probably try harder but as it‘s on my Kindle and cost a buck or two it‘s “Outta sight, outta mind!” 1w
RaeLovesToRead Don't miss out on the Creek-listing action later on 1w
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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“the fact that I certainly try not to poison anybody at least,”

Well, that sets the bar high! 🤣 #truth #facts #cooking


RaeLovesToRead 🤣🤣🤣 2w
RaeLovesToRead It's this kind of thing that makes me like Ducks sometimes. The dark casual humour asides 2w
ImperfectCJ The time counter to the end of the chapter on this one just seems mean. (I liked moments of this one, but I couldn't quite bring myself to stick with it.) 2w
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slategreyskies @RaeLovesToRead I laughed out loud at the tampons are like dams section too, but didn‘t want to go so far as to make a post on it! 🤣 2w
slategreyskies @ImperfectCJ I get that. I bailed on it four years ago, but I‘m giving it another try. 2w
RaeLovesToRead I think you may be ahead of me 2w
slategreyskies @RaeLovesToRead something to look forward to then! Haha 2w
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