The end paper in these books are wonderful! This Arctic seal is mentioned as it travels at various points in the book. Another endearing aspect of this read. #Dupin #SixCentSoixanteDeux #Brittanybeaches #BretonLore
The end paper in these books are wonderful! This Arctic seal is mentioned as it travels at various points in the book. Another endearing aspect of this read. #Dupin #SixCentSoixanteDeux #Brittanybeaches #BretonLore
#mystery#Dupin #GlenanIslands #silvermornings #endoftheworld #lifefromthesea #sunkenships #seatreasure #apocalypticclouds #ragingstorm #wildwind #seaspray #peltingrain #dolphins #coffee #cotriade #redwine
A little read,a little Baileys,a little women‘s football.
Finished book.Descriptions of the Glenan just dazzling. I want to be there now! A murder mystery with so many complicated,dizzying threads & storylines & the lovable, cantankerous,Dupin.
#GlenanArchipelago #mysticalislands #shroudedbeauty #bleachedsands #brilliantblue #exoticparadise #BretonTahiti #mystery #Dupin
Such Beauty in this book.
#joyousjanuary #day1