Found another reason to 💜❤️💜 Litsy.
When you search for a book title, you can also add author name (first, last or both) and Litsy will actually search for all terms to refine results.
I wish Goodreads would do this!
rubyslippersreads I think Goodreads will do this if you search for "both." (But I still like @Litsy better! ?) (edited) 8y
DogMomIrene @rubyslippersreads haha...crud! ?This just proves to me how bad my "typing" is. When I search I've usually made at least one or two typos, which is probably why I have a hard time finding some books. #FatFingers. Not Goodreads' fault. Sigh. I still like Litsy better too. 8y
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