Road tripping with a new book and a Starbucks drink. The only way to go. #bookworm #justlikeme
Road tripping with a new book and a Starbucks drink. The only way to go. #bookworm #justlikeme
I haven‘t damaged her yet. I think I‘m raising her right lol. #justlikeme #lovestoread.
"Groaning, Celaena stood and walked to the bookshelf along the wall, where she began pulling out books and stacking them into the nearest empty trunk. She'd have to leave her furniture and most of her shoes behind for now, but there was no way in hell she was going to move to the southern continent without all of her books."
???❤ Packing the books first! #JustLikeMe
Here are just 5 books I couldn't put down on first read. I really like(d) the classics, apparently, and I was probably too young to be reading The Kite Runner when I did. #ohwell #somethingforsept #unabletoputdown #justlikeme @RealLifeReading