100 points later! Time for a celebratory screenshot on reaching this milestone!
Just received my first book in our #PostalBookClub from @kerry ! Can't wait to see what's inside!
100 points later! Time for a celebratory screenshot on reaching this milestone!
I liked this book, even better than the movie (which I'd already seen). The ending irritated me in a good way--it's poignant and managed to elicit some tears from me. "You is kind, you is smart, you is important."
The moment I realized the cover was a map was probably priceless to those around me. The main character loves cartography, so that the cover is a map only makes sense. There's more to this book than mapmaking, of course, but that's a story for another day. #somethingforsept #bookswithmaps @RealLifeReading
I no longer have my copy of this book, so I'm pulling a still from the movie. Nurse Ratched: no one you'd ever want to see at a hospital, to be sure! #favoritevillains #somethingforsept @RealLifeReading
This was a book full of slightly unexpected turns. It was possible to see every single one coming, but I always thought, "Nah, they won't go in that direction with it..." Boy, was I wrong! Overall, an awesome read!
Here are just 5 books I couldn't put down on first read. I really like(d) the classics, apparently, and I was probably too young to be reading The Kite Runner when I did. #ohwell #somethingforsept #unabletoputdown #justlikeme @RealLifeReading
This book was amazing! While I had my doubts at first, I was impressed with how the well the denouement just worked. Everything came together so nicely at the end.
23 banned/challenged books on my bookshelf... #yikes #bannedbooks #somethingforsept
Not pictured: Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby," Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter," & Salinger's "The Catcher In The Rye" @RealLifeReading
This book is strange. I'm unsure if it is the uniquely British humor and lingo that is confusing, or something else. The book is funny in certain parts, but the rest (so far) seems slightly discrete and disconnected. On the plus side, I did get to go to Von's at Purdue and pick this and some others out! #unsure #britlit #shrug
A funny personal story accompanies this #greatquote. My brother and I were on a plane back home when he randomly said this. I was reading this, a few pages before this one, and when I got to it, I was shocked. I showed it to him and asked him if he'd ever read this, and he laughed and said no! He'd just heard it somewhere. That was one weird trip. #somethingforsept @RealLifeReading