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A bit of a surprisingly pleasant read. Kouki takes a bit of an overdone premise (roommates becoming unattached friends with benefits) and does great emotional exploration with the characters. I definitely enjoyed this one. I also read Ryouma as more on the ace spectrum like me based on some of the things he says and thinks. There were a few spots that were a bit more on the problematic side for both characters. #Manga #LGBTQIA

Kenyazero Used for #OwlHouseReadathon Amity: an intensely awkward interaction with a crush; #LGBTQIABookBingo2024 #LGBTQIA2024 Aromantic or asexual; and #GottaCatchEmAll Rookidee: 1st book in a series @PuddleJumper (edited) 10h
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Bergamot & Sunny Day | Lyee Kitahala (author)
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This was just the level of sugar-saturated fluff I was looking for. While grieving the end of yet another short-lived relationship, Riku manages to fall into what seems like a quick rebound with none other than the man who owns the cafe he works at. An appallingly adorable read. The author does a good job of allowing Riku the space he needs to grow and explore his own insecurities as he navigates this new relationship.

Kenyazero Used for #OwlHouseReadathon Terra Snapdragon: Includes tea; #LGBTQIABookBingo2024 #LGBTQIA2024 Plant on cover; and #GottaCatchEmAll @PuddleJumper Sinistea: Tea cup on cover 1w
PuddleJumper 😂 I saw this and thought it might be too sweet 1w
Kenyazero @PuddleJumper I would say it‘s just about too sweet 😆 perfect for a high-stress week 1w
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Two siblings are forced into hiding when a relative stages a coup to usurp their noble house. They take on new identities within a magical order of women and plan their next move. I absolutely loved this book. The characters have a lot of room to explore themselves and grow, and the art is stunning. I read this back in March for #TransRightsReadathon.

Kenyazero I used this for three #OwlHouseReadathon Emira prompts: Involves training, Twins, and Something is concealed. Also for #LGBTQIABookBingo2024 #LGBTQIA2024 AAPI, and for #GottaCatchEmAll @PuddleJumper Vespiquen: Woman in charge. (edited) 1w
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Yamilet doesn't feel comfortable at her catholic school for many reasons, from being low-income to navigating her queerness. An excellent, complex read that really delves into the characters' feelings and explores a lot of issues that intersect in people's lives. I loved Yamilet and enjoyed seeing all of the directions her story takes. I read this for #TransRightsReadathon in March. #LGBTQIA

Kenyazero I used this for #OwlHouseReadathon Bat Queen: A character hurt by past betrayal and Animal adoption; #LGBTQIABookBingo2024 #LGBTQIA2024 Indigenous; and #GottaCatchEmAll @PuddleJumper Rookidee: Brave character. 2w
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Dear Mothman | Robin Gow
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I read this back in March for #TransRightsReadathon and really enjoyed it. Naturally, I didn't read the description before diving into what I thought would be a fluffy book, so I was blindsided by the intense portrayal of childhood grief. I loved the exploration of identity and friendship, as well as exploring social life on the autism spectrum. I didn't realize it was a novel in verse because I listened to the audiobook. #LGBTQIA

Kenyazero Used for #OwlHouseReadathon Hooty: Penpals; #LGBTQBookBingo2024 #LGBTQIA2024 Poetry In Motion; and #GottaCatchEmAll @PuddleJumper Lapras: There is a journey and Set near a body of water, which catches Lapras! 2w
PuddleJumper Yay! Amazing! 2w
peanutnine Beautiful cover! 😍 2w
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