Eight hours in, 16 left to go in this audiobook. I need a break from the sexual violence and scatological references. “You annoy me like a scratch on the inside of my asshole” is one of the milder ones.
Eight hours in, 16 left to go in this audiobook. I need a break from the sexual violence and scatological references. “You annoy me like a scratch on the inside of my asshole” is one of the milder ones.
5 stars. Part natural history, part plea to bring beavers back to landscapes. Excellent writing. Ben is smart, funny and passionate about beavers! Solastalgia: the emotional distress we feel at witnessing the destruction of beloved homelands: the dissonance of change, the rapidity of loss, the disorientation wrought by environmental grief. Soliphilia: the notion of political commitment to saving loved home environments.