“In the tradition of #MyYearofLivingBiblically and #EatPrayLove comes #MyYearwithEleanor, the hilarious tale of Hancock‘s decision to heed the advice of First Lady #EleanorRoosevelt and do one thing a day that scares her in the yr before her 30th bday.. [Readers will] adore her charming and outrageous chronicle of her courageous endeavor and delight in her poignant & inspiring personal growth.” #TBR #KindleDeal $1.99 #ReadingResolutions #Adventure
Trashcanman Thank you 7y
tracey38 Sounds really interesting! 7y
britt_brooke This sounds good. I like immersion-type books. I loved The Year of Living Biblically (and all of AJ Jacobs‘s books), so this sounds up my alley. 7y