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The Island | Armin Greder
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#StorySettings Day 28: The #Island is one of the most disturbing picturebooks for young people that I often recommend. At the very core of this book is an overwhelming fear of those who are different. The storytelling straightforward, the plot crystal clear with a continual build-up that puts a growing lump in the reader‘s throat as one witnesses the extent of the many atrocities people tend to commit in the name of fear. https://wp.me/pDlzr-40F

Eggs Stacked! 4mo
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The Last to Vanish | Megan Miranda
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Loved the setting, plot was good, but the story just failed to really capture me. It was so slow to pick up that when the turning point happened I was just ready to be done with it. Not her best 😕

The Last to Vanish | Megan Miranda
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Oof..this one was rough. It has such an interesting setting and plot but is so damn boring. Things don't start happening until around 150pgs in...seriously.
It takes place at a mountain lodge in the Appalachian wilderness hence my reason for using it for this prompt. I had several other options for this prompt and I wish I'd chosen differently ??

#52bookclub24 - Related to the Word "Wild"

TheAromaofBooks I've had mixed feelings about the books I've read by this author. 8mo
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Librarybelle Oh dear! I bought a copy of this one when it came out. Once I get to it, I‘ll go in cautiously. 8mo
BarbaraBB Damn boring 😀, those are the worst! But, you can tick off the prompt 🤣 8mo
Hooked_on_books Oof! And I‘m with @TheAromaofBooks on this author, I‘m afraid. 8mo
Crazeedi I think I have this in my tbr stack! Soooo maybe maybe not! 8mo
brittanyreads @BarbaraBB Yes! The silver lining.. 😅🤣 8mo
brittanyreads @TheAromaofBooks @Hooked_on_books This is the first I've read by her. I also own The Perfect Stranger, but honestly I think I'll just unhaul it. Too many other books to read on my shelf for me to take another chance on what I anticipate to not work out for me a second time. 😬thanks for your input. It makes my decision even easier 👍 8mo
brittanyreads @Librarybelle I bought it the week it was released too! 😬 I've actually backpacked part of the Appalachian trail a few times and stayed in a lodge that sounds VERY similar to the one in the book. I thought this book would be perfect for me! Sadly, it def wasn't. My advice...just go into it knowing the mystery kind of takes a backseat to the MCs everyday life running a small mountain town inn and her interactions with people there. 8mo
Librarybelle Good to know! 8mo
brittanyreads @Crazeedi If you pick it up just be prepared that it is a veryyyyyy slow burn mystery and focuses more on small town dynamics and relationships and fitting in as an outsider. 8mo
Crazeedi @brittanyreads thanks for the tip 8mo
Bluebird Ugh! Well, at least it fulfilled a prompt! 😀 8mo
brittanyreads Yes! And since I wasn't loving it, I sped up the audiobook a little bit so I finished it faster. 🤣😅😅 @Bluebird 8mo
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The Last to Vanish | Megan Miranda
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Pretty slow start but develops into a nice mystery. I thought it was a pick but then realized I had forgotten I had even read it within 3 days of finishing it. I can‘t even remember the ending. On the Book of the month scale, it would be a “liked it.”

The Last to Vanish | Megan Miranda
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I loved All The Missing Girls but cannot get into this book. The second one a I have DNF'd. She's just not clicking with me, lately. I'm not even going to attempt The Only Survivors. Probably, try to read them another time.

The Last to Vanish | Megan Miranda
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#weeklyforecast @Cinfhen

Library book: Last To Vanish

Start :
Audiobook: Faithless in Death
Kindle ARC's: Deadlock
Dark Corners
Library book: The Only Survivors

Cinfhen I LOVE how you did your graphics ♥️😍 14mo
Monica5 @Cinfhen I just screen shot each book on my phone. Then edited the picture to just the book. After that I went to utilities in my photos and created a college. 😊 14mo
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The Last to Vanish | Megan Miranda
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2023 read little slow getting into it but got better lots of twists and surprises! 5/10

The Last to Vanish | Megan Miranda
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I didn‘t end up enjoying this that much but I did finish it so I‘m giving it a so-so rating. It took a long time for anything to happen. I think I may have liked it more in print. This was the most monotone narration I have ever listened to, and that made the book seem more plodding. Not the best by Megan Miranda in any case.

The Last to Vanish | Megan Miranda
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I‘m enjoying this book but as a North Carolina native my teeth are set on edge every time the narrator says Appalachian.

This book is set in North Carolina and here we say App-ah-LATCH-un. Not Appa-LAY-shun. I just had to get that off my chest. It‘s a pet peeve.

robinb Thanks for clearing that up! I've heard it both ways, but I assumed (wrongly) that the second pronunciation was correct. And I'm in the South and should know better! LOL 1y
MallenNC @robinb It may not be universal across the South but this is correct in North Carolina. The university, Appalachian State, pronounces it my way. 😀 1y
robinb @MallenNC In my thinking, if you‘re a native, it‘s correct! 👍 1y
lauraisntwilder As far as I know, Tennesseans say it your way, too. 1y
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