Next book for #booked2020 #summerquarter ! We‘re #armchairtravel ing to Austen-era England 😍
Next book for #booked2020 #summerquarter ! We‘re #armchairtravel ing to Austen-era England 😍
Wow. So amazing. I‘m a sucker for romances, and this was no exception. I love books that aren‘t straight text and include pictures and diagrams to enhance the story. Done with book 1 for the #booked2020 #summerquarter
Happy July!!! Starting the #booked2020 #summerquarter off with something that‘s been on my TBR pile since it came out
This book fit the prompt for parent/childmemior. It was the last prompt that I need to finish #booked2020 spring. Read some pretty amazing books!