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Joined April 2017

Formerly @4thhouseontheleft | she/her | Co-host #Booked2022 Reading Challenge | Host #Screamathon | Find me on Storygraph, TikTok, IG and GR
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The 1619 Project: A New Origin Story by Nikole Hannah-Jones, The New York Times Company
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The Iliad by Homer
Season of Love | Helena Greer
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Had a B&N GC I needed to spend. Entered with the idea to just buy the Diverse Spines book (my 2023 TBR will focus on rec‘s from this book), but got sucked in at the BOGO 1/2 off holiday table. 🎄🕎

A queer romance set at a Jewish-run tree farm that gets positive reviews for actually respecting Jewish culture? Yes please!!

And while I don‘t typically read Xmas romances, one set at a cat cafe was hard to pass up. I‘m in it for the 🐈 🐈‍⬛!

ShelleyBooksie How did I not know that a cat cafe Christmas book existed. Amazing!! Thank you for sharing. 2y
BarbaraBB Just checking in, hope you are well 🤍 1y
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Petty? Maybe? In late spring, a town commissioner spouted some very homophobic comments from the dais. This person was someone my teen respected and had numerous interactions with in the past. After no response to our emails, we agreed to a news interview.

In August, she just bought the tagged book, & I did not have time to drop her at home before my board mtg. Guess who was there? Guess who sat down & read ⬆️ book right in front of him? ⬇️

alisiakae Yes. My brave teen pulled up a chair, sat down, and spent the next 45 minutes reading this book right in front of the homophobic Commissioner. It took guts. I was so proud of her courage. Article of initial incident for background: https://www.wccbcharlotte.com/2022/03/31/huntersville-politicians-get-into-socia... (edited) 2y
KathyWheeler Yay for your teen! This is a good book. 2y
ChaoticMissAdventures Good job teen and mom! We need to be just as loud against homophobia as they are about their homophobia! 2y
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CarolynM Good for her. Brave kid💪 2y
TrishB Brilliant! Well done ♥️ you‘ve done a great job! 2y
janeycanuck The kids are all right! 2y
AllDebooks Love this x 2y
Bookzombie Yay for M! Also, yay for you too! This book is so good and important. 2y
Cinfhen Well done! #YoungWarrior 🙌🏻 2y
Cinfhen Just checking in to see if all is well - sent you a few emails….trying to put together #Booked2023 2y
Magpiegem Woohoo!! Well done to your amazing teen. But sorry they had to go through the disappointment of realising someone they respected was a homophobic idiot! 1y
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Banned Books Week! And my selection was the top challenged book of 2021 🤬. Including a whole diatribe and campaign against this book by my state‘s LT Gov (who sits on NC‘s State Board of Education)

I am grateful to Maia‘s courage to publish this memoir, and I have seen first hand it‘s impact on non-binary genderqueer and exploring teens in my kid‘s friend group. This is MJ‘s favorite book of the year, and I can see why. It also provides ⬇️⬇️

alisiakae So much helpful information and perspective to cisgender parents & others who may be trying to understand what it FEELS like to be non-binary and/or gender queer. Maia explains eir experiences in a way that I think would help a lot of people better understand how gender is not binary. (edited) 2y
alisiakae #bbrc #bannedorchallenged @LibrarianRyan I‘ve filled the #bookex2022 #comingoutstory prompt already but this would be a great option for that prompt also! @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage 2y
LibrarianRyan I love this book. I thought it was so well done. 2y
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alisiakae @LibrarianRyan SO well done! And I loved the books included and mentioned! Added some of those to my TBR. Especially this one 2y
Cinfhen Great review!! I‘ve heard WONDERFUL things about this book!!! 2y
alisiakae @Cinfhen thank you!! So my brave child spoke out with me a few months ago about a town commissioner who compared queer people to pedophiles and predators. Her statement was never aired (part of mine was), but in July she read this book right in front of him at one of my meetings. 😂😂 https://www.wccbcharlotte.com/2022/03/31/huntersville-politicians-get-into-socia... 2y
Cinfhen #RebelReader #Warrior way to go Alisia & props to M!!! 🙌🏻 2y
Kerrbearlib This was just banned from a high school library in my state. 😡 2y
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Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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This was so atmospheric, which I loved! Definitely a slow burn story, so I would only recommend for major Schwab fans and people who don‘t mind not much happening. I adore Schwab‘s writing style, which is what made this a pick for me. Great book to get you in the Spooky Halloween mood! Olivia was a great MC, but I wish the side characters were more fleshed out.

TheSpineView Yes! 2y
Larkken Agreed! Good writing, but could have had a little more… oomph? 2y
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Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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I am loving the illustrations in this book! My eye catches in one thing then slowly sees the other details.

🍄Username change, previously 4thhouseontheleft🍄

Soubhiville I did the audio so I missed out on the illustrations. I‘d love to see more if you‘re inspired to post them 🙂. 2y
alisiakae @Soubhiville Yes! I'll make a collage and post it. 2y
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Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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It may be in the 80s outside, but it certainly feels like fall when reading an atmospheric spooky story with a kitten curled up in my lap! #monalisa #catsoflitsy

🍄 Previously 4thhouseontheleft, will keep this note at the bottom of my posts for the next few weeks. 🍄

AmyG 😻 2y
Gissy 😻❤️❤️❤️ 2y
Leftcoastzen Awww!😸 2y
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It almost took a century to be published, but I am so glad this book is now available in print. It‘s the first non-fiction book I‘ve read that has a first-hand account of the Middle Passage and being enslaved in the American South. Kudos to Hurston for recognizing the importance, and documenting, Cudjo‘s story. The audiobook was extremely well done, and I highly recommend reading in that format!

✨formerly 4thhouseontheleft✨

LibrarianRyan Yeahhh 2y
Cinfhen This was very moving!!! Loved it on audio 2y
alisiakae @Cinfhen the audio was so well done! I just wish Hurston had wrote more. 2y
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🍄 New username alert! 🍄

I‘ve changed my username on Litsy from 4thhouseontheleft.

I‘ve been meaning to do this for a while, as I am also removing my last name from social media accounts and decided to streamline and make everything the same.

Above is some of my weekend reading plans (Pumpkinheads is a reread).😊 Reading is high on the agenda!


squirrelbrain Happy new name! 😁 2y
Cinfhen I really loved the old name….but I‘m sure I‘ll come to embrace this one too xx 2y
Emilymdxn Love both names! And I love both those graphic novels so much I hope you enjoy them! 2y
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TieDyeDude Good choices on the name and the books! 😁🙌 2y
KathyWheeler Both of those books are excellent. 2y
alisiakae @Cinfhen @emilymdxn Thanks! I liked the old name too, but I‘ve moved on from the house that inspired it 😂. I wanted to use my first name, and kae is my middle name with a twist (it‘s officially spelled kay). 2y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Nice change! Looking forward to your review on Gender Queer. 😘 2y
Bookzombie I was away from Litsy for a bit and missed this announcement. I was a little sad when I searched your old name and couldn‘t find you as I always enjoy your posts. Glad it was just a name change! 🙂 2y
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I Kissed Shara Wheeler | Casey McQuiston
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This is the first book by McQuiston that I didn‘t absolutely adore. It was really convoluted, had some gaping plot holes, and the side characters were more interesting than the main ones. It did get better in the 2nd half. I will still read anything they write, though!

I Kissed Shara Wheeler | Casey McQuiston
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In a crazy coincidence. I read this page containing a Mean Girls reference, during intermission at a Mean Girls performance!

I love when bookish coincidences like this happen. 🤩

charl08 Fun! 2y
wanderinglynn 😆 that‘s awesome! 2y
Nebklvr I love book connections 2y
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Ruthiella Love it! Bookish serendipity! 🤯 2y
AmyG Ha! 🙌🏻 2y
peanutnine Love when that happens! How was the show? I wanted to go but the dates didn't work for me this time 2y
marleed That‘s such a fun thing! 2y
SomedayAlmost Cool! 2y
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The Trees: A Novel | Percival Everett
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I‘m excited to see The Trees on the Booker shortlist! That is one of my top reads so far this year.

And I have a few more books to try to squeeze into this year‘s TBR!


charl08 Me too. What a book! 2y
alisiakae @charl08 and this is also a good reminder that I had meant to read more by him and haven‘t yet! 2y
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Trying to come back to participating in the #WeeklyForecast now that the number of books I read in a week is climbing again!

Two of these are for my last 3 remaining #Booked2022 prompts, #blackcentricimprint and #writtenbyajournalist. Shara Wheeler is my fun read for the week.

Librariana I really enjoyed I Kissed Shara Wheeler and I hope you do as well! 😊💜 2y
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I studied ASL and Deaf culture for 2 semesters in college when I had a brief interest in becoming a speech pathologist. I also spent a month at Gallaudet in DC.

I loved this excellent #OwnVoices novel that does not shy away from the controversy around CI, and the role (or withholding) of ASL in Deaf education and language acquisition. Also briefly explores BASL and racism within the Deaf community, something I definitely want to learn more about.

LibrarianRyan Vey cool 2y
KT1432 I keep postponing my library hold for this one. I hope to read it before the end of the year! 2y
HeatherBookNerd So good! 2y
marleed This book exposed me to so many things of I wish I was to my chagrin completely unaware. 2y
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I‘ve spent a lot of time with this book (and a dietician) over the last few months while I‘ve also been working on some emotional healing. Highly recommend!

I mentioned recently we‘ve had a bunch of medical appts, and I haven‘t been in Litsy much. I‘m ready to share that after some psych evals this summer, I finally got an official dx of GAD, SPD, & ADHD. Just started Adderall this week and it definitely makes a difference! ⬇️⬇️

alisiakae When I was in college and my 20s, I struggled with major depressive disorder and PTSD. Unfortunately, the depression has resurfaced this year after almost 12 yrs of remission, so my medications are getting tweaked, but I‘m feeling good and strong and know I‘ve got this. 💪🏼 But that does in part explain my silence & absence lately. Love you all though & hope to be back into more reading and activity here soon! 2y
JenReadsAlot 💕 2y
AmyG Oh, I get it. So happy to read you are feeling better. 👊🏻 2y
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MatchlessMarie Happy to see you back on here. I‘ve been working with a dietician recently too and it‘s amazing what the mental/emotional impact healing our relationship with food can make. Sending love to you 💜 2y
Jari-chan I just read two books by Tribole, and her approach is really helping me through my ED recovery. 2y
Ruthiella Glad you are on the road to recovery! ❤️ 2y
MoonWitch94 I‘m glad to see you back. You have been missed! 🤗 I am happy to hear you are on the upswing. 💜 2y
Cortg I‘m glad to hear you‘re feeling better and have answers. Wishing you a healthy recovery. Welcome back! 2y
wanderinglynn So glad you are getting answers and are feeling better! And super happy to see you back. 💚💜🧡 2y
peaKnit ADHD friend here🙋🏼‍♀️ Thinking a single thought thread was the most amazing change after meds for me, I thought everyone thought a cacophony of racket. Glad you‘re seeing improvements. (edited) 2y
Simona Happy to see that you are in better 💪 2y
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Does My Body Offend You? | Marie Marquardt, Mayra Cuevas
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I loved the subject of this book, esp with its relevance for my daughter (there are a lot of dress code battles where we live), and the focus on intersectionality was fantastic. I just didn‘t like the writing in Ruby‘s chapter at all. Not sure if the dual author thing worked well in this one. I would have preferred the whole book from Malena‘s POV.

#BBRC #teenangst #makesmeangry

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This book 💯 lived up to expectations. L&L is a cozy high fantasy/sapphic love story that follows an Orc named Viv. She decides to retire from her adventuring days to open a coffee shop in a town that has never heard of coffee. It has a GIANT cat named Amity, cinnamon rolls described in utmost detail, “bean water” (aka coffee 😂) and the lowest stakes imaginable. Fantastic writing, 5 ⭐️ & feels like a warm hug.

#BBRC #MonsterMash

LibrarianRyan Yeahh. This is on my TBR 2y
emz711 Oooo what I'm looking for! 2y
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I had a hard time getting my hands on a copy of the self-published version of this book, since they‘ve all been pulled after getting picked up by a publisher. But it‘s still on Audible! I can already see why this went viral on BookTok, and I am LOVING this high fantasy cozy story. Listening while doing some dot-to-dots.

tokorowilliamwallace Nice pick of a drink pairing. 2y
Amiable Great photo! 2y
JGadz11 I am in love with everything about this photo😍and also, I have so many questions about dot to dots now! 2y
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Way late for this #camplitsy selection (like most of them 😂). I almost DNF‘d 25 pages in, but I‘m glad I didn‘t, because I ended up really enjoying this story! Sultry, steamy, and filled with both vivid imagery and imperfect characters dealing with grief. Definitely recommended for fans of Queenie. Some cringe worthy moments, as these are not perfect characters. I look forward to reading Emezi‘s other books, they definitely caught my attention.

squirrelbrain Great review -I can definitely see the comparisons with Queenie. 2y
DimeryRene Oh sultry is a great word! 2y
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One of my favorite used bookstore cafes is right next to our oncology vet. #HelloKitty is there today for imaging and staging, and if that comes out clear, she‘ll get her 1st chemo treatment today. Waiting here is easier than there, but not by much.

Amputation is out, as it is too close to her vertebra. So anything we do is palliative, not a cure, but we can hope for 2+ yrs more with her if chemo works, if it hasn‘t spread yet.🤞#catsofinstagram

quietjenn Good luck ❤️ 2y
Susanita Sending healing vibes. ❤️‍🩹 2y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Hoping for the best for your fur baby. ❤️ 2y
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squirrelbrain Hope you get good news. 🤞 2y
ravenlee Best of luck for your baby. 2y
alisiakae @quietjenn @Susanita @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @squirrelbrain @ravenlee Thabk you so much! We got the good news we were hoping for, it‘s Stage 1 and hasn‘t spread. And they immediately started her 1st round of chemo today. 🙌🏽 There‘s no cure, but hopefully chemo will give us another few years with her. 2y
Addison_Reads @4thhouseontheleft I'm glad they were able to move so quickly with her treatment. I've been thinking about you and your kitty. I'm hoping for the best possible outcome you guys can get. 💚 2y
ravenlee Oh, hooray! When my fur baby got her cancer diagnosis it was too late to do anything but try to make her comfortable and the end cane quickly. I‘m so glad you have time with HelloKitty! Give her a scritch for me! 2y
alisiakae @ravenlee Thank you! Yeah, we lost our older kitty #Isabel in April after finding lung tumors way too late to do anything. The end came just a few days later, so fast we came home a day early from spring break. I was so glad today to hear HK's hadn't spread. 2y
squirrelbrain I‘m so pleased that you got the news you hoped for, and that she‘s started her treatment already. ❤️ 2y
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The art and inclusivity in this story just fills my soul. It‘s whimsical and oh so cozy. Features a non-binary/genderfluid MC, both Deaf disability representation, BiPOC characters and an M/M relationship from the first book. The over-arching them of acceptance in all its forms is what makes this series one I am sure I will reread.

BookmarkTavern I‘ve only read the first one of this series! Looks like I need to continue on! ❤️ 2y
alisiakae @ozma.of.oz yes, definitely! Just finished the third one, I loved all of them. 2y
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No plans this weekend other than sitting out by the pool, reading and relaxing! We have some tough medical appts coming up this week so I‘m giving myself the grace to take it easy and enjoy the sun and water.

AlaMich That pool is gorgeous!! 2y
Bklover Wishing you the best at your appointments. Beautiful pool- enjoy! 2y
5feet.of.fury Wishing you good outcomes of your appointments! And looking forward to your thoughts on this book 💕 2y
ShelleyBooksie Gorgeous pool 2y
ShelleyBooksie Hope your appts go well. 2y
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For the most part, I loved this book, as I adore anything Victoria Schwab writes. My only complaint is how Luc & Addie evolve towards each other, it gave me Stockholm syndrome vibes in one section and felt kinda cringey. Otherwise, another fantastic Schwab read!
#pop22 #constellationoncover

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Tea Dragon Society | K O'Neill
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Apparently, I need all the cozy fantasy books right now, because I will drop everything else to read them. This sweet story is full of diverse representation, with cute pint-size dragons that grow tea on their head. Need I say more? Classified as middle-grade but definitely for all ages.

Note: originally published under a different first name, the author changed their name to Kay about a year ago, but early editions will have their other name.

alisiakae Used for the #pop22 #boardgameintitle (Dungeons & DRAGONS) 2y
library.dreamer I loved this one! 2y
alisiakae @library.dreamer I‘ll be reading the other 2 in the trilogy today! 2y
RosePressedPages This series was the cutest🥰 2y
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Finished this morning while swinging on the outside daybed overlooking the ricer at my AirBnB. Beautiful spot for some alone time! 📚

I loved this historical novel set in 1930s Malaysia. The romance was a bit…interesting, but everything else was so atmospheric and such a unique story. I especially liked how it focused in on the unequal treatment of women and girls. Ren was my favorite, & I would love another story about him.
#pop22 #tigerintitle

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Appointment is set with oncology vet for Aug 16 for imaging and staging. I feel a little bit better going out of town Saturday knowing I have everything set up that I can do at this point. #HelloKitty feels fine, which almost makes all of this harder! #catsoflitsy

I‘m loving the tagged book, haven‘t read historical fiction in a while, and I am finally getting back to my #pop22 prompts.

Teresereading I enjoyed Night Tiger 2y
MallenNC I just read about your Kitty. I‘m sorry you‘re having to deal with this. 2y
AmyG I hope all works out well for your beautiful cat. 😘 2y
Addison_Reads Keeping you and your beautiful kitty in my thoughts. 💞 2y
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Bad news on the #HelloKitty front. Pathology showed she has FISS (feline injection site sarcoma). It‘s rare, aggressive, and difficult to treat. We don‘t have a whole lot of options, the main one under consideration is amputation and radiation. We won‘t make any decisions until more scans are done.

It‘s a really hard year. #catsoflitsy

Tagged my current book since reading is helping me deal with things.

squirrelbrain Oh no, sorry to hear this. 😞 2y
Gissy So sorry!😔 2y
Catsandbooks Oh no! So sorry! Hopefully you can find a treatment to help! 2y
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TheSpineView Poor thing! Sorry to hear 2y
sarahbellum Oh I‘m so sorry! I know you‘re doing the best you can to keep your baby comfortable and happy 💜 2y
MaureenMc 💗 2y
Sarahreadstoomuch I‘m sorry 😞 2y
Addison_Reads I'm so sorry. 😞 I had this happen with a kitty as well. Tough situation. 💔 2y
IndoorDame I‘m so sorry!💔 2y
LeahBergen I‘m so sorry! 💔 2y
BookwormM So sorry 😢 2y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I‘m so sorry. 💔😥 2y
Deblovestoread Thinking of you! 2y
Chrissyreadit Oh no! I‘m so sorry . 2y
quietjenn Oh wow. I‘m sorry. 2y
CarolynM Sorry to hear this😢 2y
Ruthiella So sorry to hear that. ❤️ 2y
rachelsbrittain Sending hugs to you and the sweet kitty ❤️ 2y
Cupcake12 Sport to hear this news. ❤️ 2y
alisiakae @Addison_Reads you had a cat with FISS, or having to go through an amputation? I‘d love to talk with you about your experience if you‘re open to that. 2y
Addison_Reads @4thhouseontheleft She was a ten yr old cat. About a month after her yearly shots I noticed something wasn't right. We took her back to the vet were they ran tests and diagnosed her with FISS. They said there wasn't much they could do because of were it was located and how fast it was growing. We didn't want her to suffer, so we gave her one last day full of love and said goodbye. I had never heard of FISS before, or since, until I saw your post. 2y
Addison_Reads @4thhouseontheleft Her tumor started on the back of her neck and it had grown so fast it was causing neurological issues so surgery wasn't an option for us. It sounds like the site of your kitty's tumor though offers you more options and I truly hope the vet can find a solution for you. 💚 2y
Addison_Reads @4thhouseontheleft if it's easier communication for you, my email is caddison97@gmail.com 2y
alisiakae @Addison_Reads aw, I'm so sorry. HK also had a mole that became a mast cell tumor on the back of her neck, luckily that is seemingly unrelated an was fully excised at the same time as the other mass and is all good now. 2y
Chelsea.Poole I‘m so sorry. 2y
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Book Lovers | Emily Henry
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I stayed up way too late last night finishing this!

I was on the fence for the first half, but loved it by the end. I think Emily Henry did an excellent job balancing a sweet story with a fantastic main character struggling with PTSD. I also appreciated how some common romance tropes were tuned in their head. I‘ll be heading to a small town 1/2 hr outside Asheville on Friday, which has Sunshine Falls vibes, so it felt timely reading this now!

MallenNC I liked this one too. Have fun in the mountains! 2y
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Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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This was an OwlCrate book, and until I picked it up to read, I thought it was a Medusa retelling.

It is not. Instead, it‘s an urban fantasy that pits the descendants of Greek Heroes against 8 of the Gods in a cycle known as the Argon.

I found it mostly enjoyable, but would not recommend to newbies to Greek mythology. At the minimum, look up the meaning of kleos and timê before reading.

Borderline so-so and pick.
#booked2022 #greekretelling

Cinfhen Gorgeous cover art though😍 2y
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Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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Happy Friday! Maya is at a friend‘s house this weekend, Dr Hubby is on a solo retreat in the mountains for some well-earned R&R.

Which means I have the house to myself! 🙌🏽🙌🏽 Let the weekend of reading begin! 📚

#catsoflitsy #kittensoflitsy #MonaLisa (Mona pictured)

Susanita Sweet kitty. Well earned me time. 🤗 2y
Soubhiville What a beauty! Enjoy your me time! 2y
TheSpineView Enjoy! 2y
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TrishB Have some fun 😁❤️ 2y
Zuhkeeyah Enjoy the alone time! 2y
Gissy Enjoy! 📚📚📚📚📚📚🙌 2y
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Untitled | Untitled
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It's been a tough year, but there have also been some great things happening too!

One of those things is getting prepped to go live in August! I am opening up an Etsy shop to sell custom tea blends and Blind Date With a Book packages!

This is the draft logo, designed by Maya. What do you think? #TheCatsMeow

rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 2y
RaeLovesToRead Aww! I love it! 2y
BennettBookworm Love it! 2y
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NovelGirl82 Love it!!! 2y
Smrloomis Cute! 2y
Zuhkeeyah Love it! 2y
ravenlee 😻Absolutely adore this! 2y
Gissy Beautiful! Maya, it is lovely logo!😍👌 2y
LeahBergen Love it! 2y
squirrelbrain Oh it‘s gorgeous - Maya is so talented! 😻 2y
Laughterhp Love it! 2y
UwannaPublishme 😍👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 2y
merelybookish Adorable! 2y
Sharpeipup Love it! 2y
Aims42 Love it!! Congrats on this new adventure!! 2y
sherri Great idea! Wishing you success and joy! 2y
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Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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Flying through the tagged book while keeping a close eye on #HelloKittty. She had surgery to remove 2 lumps yesterday, one a mast cell skin cancer, the other hopefully just an abscess. Initial biopsy on the 2nd lump was ok but vet sending to pathology to make sure.

It‘s been a hard year. Lost #Isabel in April and two close friends unexpectedly in May and June. Another friend dx with an aggressive breast cancer started chemo last week. ⬇️

alisiakae Maya and I are both finally completing psych evals each for suspected ADHD, anxiety, SPD (and possibly a few other things). That‘s tough on its own, involving multiple hours long appts. But I want to apologize to @BarbaraTheBibliophage & @Cinfhen for going AWOL recently for #Booked2022 hosting duties. Hoping to get my head above water soon. (edited) 2y
Kerrbearlib So sorry to hear you‘ve had a rough year. I hope things start looking up for you. And that kitty starts to feel better too! 2y
ravenlee I‘m sorry it‘s been such a tough time. Troubles just keep piling up when you‘re already struggling. I wish you health and happiness, and Maya too. 2y
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Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Sending love & light that the rest of the year is better for all of you. 💗 2y
Kimzey Sending good wishes for you and your kitty. 🐈‍⬛ 💕 2y
alisiakae @Kerrbearlib @ravenlee @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick @Kimzey thank you 💞 we‘ve had lots of good things happen too, but the bad is a heavy burden at the moment. My heart still aches over the recent losses. 2y
kspenmoll Sending you love- I am so sorry your year as been a tough one. I truly hope good things come from your testing & diagnosis. 💙💕 2y
TheBookHippie Sending light & love ♥️ 2y
CarolynM Oh, you are having a tough time. Sending love and hugs💕💕 2y
TrishB Sending hugs ♥️ 2y
Leftcoastzen Hugs to you , sorry there are so many tough things right now.Hope & love sent your way. 2y
TheLudicReader Sending positive energy your way. 2y
BarbaraTheBibliophage No apology needed, my friend. Sending hugs! 💓 2y
sprainedbrain I‘m so sorry. Sending love! 2y
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I‘ve been so busy I haven‘t had any free time for Litsy, and I‘ve missed all of you! I have a back log of book reviews, but this is the latest. I‘m definitely on an Emily Henry kick this summer.

I‘m also in the final stages of interviewing for a new job. I would get PAID to read books!! (And write about them) I‘ll share more if it works out, but I‘m really excited.

CaitZ That sounds like an excellent job. Good luck 2y
Chelsea.Poole Fingers crossed 🤞 for you! 2y
squirrelbrain That‘s sounds like the best job ever - good luck! 2y
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Deblovestoread Dream job! Good luck🍀 2y
Ruthiella Wow! Exciting job prospects! 😃 2y
Zuhkeeyah Good luck! I hope you get the job! 2y
TrishB Sounds fab! 2y
MallenNC Good luck with the job! 2y
CarolynM Good luck🍀 2y
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Rule of Wolves | Leigh Bardugo
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Major spoiler ⬇️⬇️

Not David! 😭😭😭 Not nice, Bardugo.

TheSpineView IKR! 2y
Clare-Dragonfly RIGHT?!? 2y
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King of Scars | Leigh Bardugo
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Our backyard oasis is almost complete! Pool filled and was ready for swimming Saturday. So relaxing, can‘t wait or the landscaping to be complete. This will be my new favorite reading spot and where you will find me all summer. 📖 ☀️ 🍹

5feet.of.fury Oooh! How nice! 2y
Clare-Dragonfly That looks glorious! 2y
Weisubei Beautiful!! 2y
IuliaC So beautiful!! 2y
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The kittens are now bigger than a book! They are growing so fast. #catsoflitsy #MonaLisa #kittensoflitsy

I didn‘t know a lot about this book going in, which I think is a good thing. This collection of stories, all interconnected in some way, examine the effect of a virus released from the melting Arctic permafrost, and it‘s devastating impact around the world. I can‘t wait to discuss the 2nd half in a few days with #CampLitsy.

squirrelbrain Gosh, that little cutie is growing so fast! Looking forward to your thoughts at the weekend. 2y
squirrelbrain Ooh, and didn‘t think about that #pop22 prompt - thanks! 😁 2y
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samantharoberts I love that cover! 2y
TheSpineView So cute! 2y
Ruthiella I think going on blind is going for this particular book too. It‘s a bit like a puzzle. You don‘t want too much of the picture until you figure it out for yourself. 2y
Teresereading Cute cat 2y
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Untitled | Untitled
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Skoliosexual is a new term for me I had to look up. It refers to people who are attracted to those who are transgender or nonbinary.

I don‘t know of any books that specifically feature a skoliosexual character. If you know of one, mention it in the comments! #pride #pride2022 #skoliosexual

Amiable That's a new word to me, too! Thanks for sharing. 2y
BookwormAHN There are a few new words I'll be looking up. Thanks for sharing. 2y
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Untitled | Untitled
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Proud mama moment. End of year 8th grade promotion. Straight A‘s all 3 years of middle school. Presidential Gold Education Excellence Award (thank god it‘s signed by a better POTUS than the last one), NJHS, and top student in two subjects. 3 HS credits (2 in Math plus French I). In my eyes, she‘s the GOAT.

I credit her love of learning, resilience (it was a ROUGH 3 years for her), and love of books. 😊

wanderinglynn 🎉👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 fantastic! Congrats! 2y
TrishB Amazing, well done 👏🏻 2y
ShananigansReads Great job! (Both of you) 2y
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DivineDiana What an achievement! 👏🏻👍🏻👏🏻 2y
MoonWitch94 WOW! That‘s quite a feat! Congratulations to her (and YOU). 🎉🥳 High School will be a new start! 2y
andrew61 Brilliant, congratulations. 2y
AmyG Congrats! She is amazing. 🎉 2y
Susanita 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 2y
Deblovestoread Well done! 🎉 2y
Julsmarshall Wow! Amazing! (edited) 2y
LeahBergen 👏👏👏👏 2y
Gissy Congratulations Maya and you too mama! 🎉🤩👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 2y
ravenlee Holy smokes! Congratulations all around! 😍 2y
Branwen Whoo hoo! Congrats! This is so fantastic! 🎉🎉🎉 2y
Bookzombie Congratulations, Maya! 🎉👏🏻 2y
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Soft on Soft | Mina Waheed
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Late in this weekend‘s prompts, but this book is high on my TBR and has pansexual rep. From what I can tell there is also polysexual rep but if you have more recommendations, drop them in the comments below! #pride #pride2022 #pansexual #polysexual

thereadingpal Pansexual rep? Sign me up xD 2y
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This was fantastic in audiobook format, narrated by the author herself. Some essays hit better than others, and the last section felt a bit like filler, but overall I really liked and appreciated this read. Now off to watch 2 Dope Queens on HBO.

#nonfiction2022 #marvelous

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 2y
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Last full day of school for Mj, before tomorrow‘s 8th grade promotion ceremony. Spending the day trying to finish some of my mostly completed #currentreads. The tagged book on audio, an ebook, and if time permits, the #CampLitsy read! #audiopuzzling

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Focusing on bisexual rep today, and tagged a 2022 release I am really excited to read! Set in the Caribbean and featuring a Black, bisexual MC who is seeking joy after a tragic loss. Also, #coverlust 😍 the cover design is gorgeous! #pride #pride2022

5feet.of.fury The cover is SO gorgeous. 2y
Cinfhen Book is great, lots to discuss! I love the UK edition too 💗😍 2y
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Starting the first #CampLitsy book, but my heart may be too heavy for this one right now.

It‘s also my choice for #RememberingJenny. @ReadingEnvy gave it 5 ⭐️ in February, but the last sentence of her review has me 😢: “There is a lot in death and dying in here, so treat yourself with care, as it might not be the right time.”

BeckyWithTheGoodBooks Could you fill me in on #CampLitsy? What is it and who is leading it? 2y
squirrelbrain That‘s a heartbreaking quote, isn‘t it Alisia? 💔 It is a tough read, I think the second story is the most difficult. 2y
squirrelbrain @BeckyWithTheGoodBooks - #camplitsy is our version of the mini Tournament of Books that takes place each summer. This year, Littens voted for the 6 books that we wanted to read. @BarbaraBB runs the Litsy #ToB each year, and this time @Megabooks and I are assisting. Here‘s a post telling you more about it. https://www.litsy.com/web/tag/camplitsy I‘ll tag you on the schedule too. Let us know if you want to be included on the tag list. (edited) 2y
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squirrelbrain @BeckyWithTheGoodBooks just realised the link didn‘t work; try this one instead https://litsy.com/p/UzVHWHNSSWFN I‘ll post the schedule next. (edited) 2y
squirrelbrain @BeckyWithTheGoodBooks June - How High We Go in the Dark and True Biz. July - You Made a Fool of Death with Your Beauty and This Time Tomorrow. August - Either / Or and Our Wives Under the Sea 2y
Christine It‘s impossibly heavy, but I‘m also loving it (and sitting with the heavy is working for me right now, I guess). I had that exact same experience this morning of reading Jenny‘s review and being heartbroken by that last line. 2y
batsy I just saw Jenny's review on GR too 💔 2y
Centique Oh that review is heart breaking 😥 2y
BeckyWithTheGoodBooks @squirrelbrain Thank you! I will plan to join! 😀 2y
BiblioLitten 💔 2y
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My first Emily Henry book, and I loved it! Just the type of story I needed right now. And it‘s a friends-to-lovers tale, which is one of my favorite rom-com tropes. I could definitely relate to Poppy‘s wanderlust, and thought all the travel details added a fun component, but I could see that not being everyone‘s cup of tea.

#bookspinbingo #pop22 #BookTokrec

tjwill I have this and need to read it! 2y
squirrelbrain I haven‘t read any Emily Henry yet. Need to rectify that soon… I have Beach Read and Book Lovers on my Kindle. 2y
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My June #BookSpinBingo is ready to go. Tagged my next planned book for #CampLitsy after finishing my current read.

LKK526 Never read books twice but The Secret History was an exception (edited) 2y
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Sweet & Bitter Magic | Adrienne Tooley
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During Pride Month, I will be trying to highlight a book each day that follows this calendar!

The tagged book is a fantastic YA sapphic fantasy novel featuring a diverse cast, and set in a world that is free of homophobia. 🙌🏽 This was Maya‘s favorite book last year, and I also loved it when I read it in January. #pride #pride2022

Kitta Great idea! 2y
Cinfhen Awesome challenge/ idea 🏳️‍🌈 2y
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The cuteness!!! Look who came and curled up on my lap while I was reading the tagged book.

These two. I can‘t handle the level of adorableness in our house right now. 😻🫶🏼 #catsoflitsy #kittensoflitsy #MonaLisa

Soubhiville So cute! My heart 🥺😻 2y
Catsandbooks Absolutely adorable!!!💕 2y
kspenmoll Two sweeties!!! 2y
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Lcsmcat Awww! 2y
Clare-Dragonfly Oh my goodness 😻😻😻 2y
Bookzombie So sweet!! 2y
Leftcoastzen Awww!😻 2y
Ruthiella Cuteness overload! 😻😻😻 2y
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Untitled | Untitled
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Trying to participate again in some of the groups where I‘ve gone silent, including #BFC2022!

Like @wanderinglynn June is going to be a reset month for me. My June goals:

📖 Read 8 books
🍓 Daily food journal (including mood while eating, per dietician‘s advice)
🚴 Exercise 60 min/day

wanderinglynn Great goals! 🙌🏻 And I didn‘t think about adding mood into my food journal. I‘m going to steal that idea. Thanks! 2y
alisiakae @wanderinglynn I recently started seeing a dietician, and her food log asks: location you ate meal/snack (dining table, couch, restaurant, desk, etc), mood & level of hunger both before and after eating. 2y
wanderinglynn I am totally stealing all of those. That‘s great info to know in order to see trends. 👍🏻 2y
alisiakae @wanderinglynn If you need an accountability partner, let me know! I could definitely use one. 😂 2y
wanderinglynn Yes, let‘s do it. I logged all my food yesterday and will add the other pieces starting today. 2y
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Six of Crows | Leigh Bardugo
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I seem to be emerging from my reading slump, and finally have enough books in one month to make it worth doing a reading wrap-up!

The middle row are my favorite reads this month, top row are solid picks, bottom row were just okay.

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May was a great reading month for me after months of a slump, so I decided to do #BookSpin #BookSpinBingo again in June!

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Aya of Yop City | Marguerite Abouet, Clment Oubrerie
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My 3rd and final book for #20in4 readathon this weekend! I actually liked the 2nd book more than the first. My daughter used to read Akissi, a picture book series by this author, and I love that Akissi is in this series as the little sister!

Lisa is still smaller than a book, but both kittens are growing quickly! #MonaLisa #catsofinstagram #kittensofinstagram

#pop22 title begins with last letter of previous read