Must need for medical students taking USMLE Step 1 board examinations. I would annotate lightly with UWorld.
One of the big 5 essentials to doing well on examinations.
Must need for medical students taking USMLE Step 1 board examinations. I would annotate lightly with UWorld.
One of the big 5 essentials to doing well on examinations.
Gotta study those verbal reasoning skills!
#IHateThis #IKeepNapping #WhyIsMyPhoneCameraSoBad
I dont want to study for my test on Monday 😭😭😭
#CollegeLife #AttemptingThatGradSchoolLife #HelpMe #TestPrep
Day 7 of #anditsaugust is It's History. Fitting since we started school today here. So have a pic of my daughter's history textbook. She's just in 8th grade but I got the AP edition because I like it more. I'm splitting it into two years so we can do more justice to the entire history of the planet.
Guess what I'm doing this Saturday! My first standardized test in 13 years! Wheeeee! I'm kicking ass at the vocabulary, though.
And up there in the corner is the book I'd much rather be reading right now.
#GREtest #testprep #gradschoolhopeful #mathsucks