I think I‘m done with college students entering inappropriate relationships for a while 😵💫.
My Last Innocent Year: ⭐️⭐️⭐️,75/5
Sirens & Muses: ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
I think I‘m done with college students entering inappropriate relationships for a while 😵💫.
My Last Innocent Year: ⭐️⭐️⭐️,75/5
Sirens & Muses: ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
This one only. It's really good!
#weekendreads #darkacademia #gothic #uncanny #collegelife
Great survival guide to college!
Read this for my IRL book club & it‘s not bad, it just doesn‘t stand out from other books about a young college woman who starts an affair with her married writing professor only to see most everything get complicated really fast. It‘s a familiar story & while it addresses serious issues—power dynamics, consent, assault, integrity, jealousy—the execution is not as good as I hoped. Not a fav of mine unlike my friends who loved & recommended it.
Title update: My Last Innocent — and incredibly boring — year.
The best thing about this book is the cover.
I preordered this coming of age story because I liked the cover and it sounded interesting. I‘m glad I did because I really liked the story and the characters. I would‘ve finished sooner but I haven‘t been getting much reading time lately.
#AwesomeApril #Readathon
Up next is The Writing Retreat.
#ThingsInCommon The main character is a writer.
Both books released in February 2023.
3⭐️ This started well; I like to be inside campus story set in 1998, and I‘m just a year younger than the protagonist Isabel Rosen. So many tangents in this book but the base is her two sexual relationships with a fellow student and her prof. I wish the author just focused and dug deeper on one or two topics, because her effort to cover everything made the last quarter of the book messy and rushed.